Our library is the only place designated for quiet study.   Students can go to the cafe for study, writing room (for computers and writing help)  academic center(2 teachers scheduled there most periods to give extra help) or the Audio visual lab(maned by one of the paras).  Students sign in at the beginning of the period and can use the tables or desk top computers.  During lunch the freshmen are assigned a study hall.  Currently we have 2 LMS and 3 paraprofessionals.  One LMS is retiring and will not be replaced.  All of the LMC staff supervise  the kids trying to keep a low noise level.  Not always easy when you have 60 plus kids some busy periods.  No teachers have a duty in the library but they do have duties in the academic center and cafe.
Students are sent from the cafe with a pass during the period after calling down to see if the library has room for more students.  Hope this info helps!
Nancy Brix
Library Media Specialist
Joel Barlow High School
203-938-2508 ext 1577
On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:04 PM, Kristie McGarry <kmcgarry@derbyps.org> wrote:
Hi. We do not hold study hall in the LMC-study hall is held in the cafeteria and, during lunch, in classrooms. Classroom teachers cover study hall as a duty, whether it is held in the caf or in a classroom.
Study hall students are allowed in the LMC and our policy is to issue passes in the morning for study hall students. They sign up before school starts and report to their study hall during that period of the day; after checking in with their study hall teacher for attendance, the students are dismissed to come to the LMC. They are not allowed to go back and forth but must stay the whole time. Sometimes a study hall teacher will call the LMC to send a student from study hall; we allow it but remind the student to remember to sign up in the morning.

Also re: study hall students; our LMC is small here, and so if a classroom teacher has booked the use of the library, that teacher and students have priority for the use of computers and the physical space. Usually its enough to tell study hall students that the class will be using computers but on occasion the teacher of a large class will find the study hall students to be a disruption and we will close the library to study hall students during that class period in order to minimize distractions.

Kristie McGarry
Library Media Specialist
Derby High School
8 Nutmeg Avenue
Derby, CT  06418
Direct line: 203-446-2612 ; School line: 203-736-5032

From: casl-l-bounces@mylist.net [casl-l-bounces@mylist.net] on behalf of Nicole Giangreco [nicole.giangreco@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 12:53 PM
To: casl-l@mylist.net
Subject: [CASL-L] calling all High School LMS

If you are a High School LMS
I would love your feedback in regards to study hall students in your LMC.

What is your policy?
Does your school hold all  study halls in your library?
Do classroom teachers have study hall and send students?

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