Sorry, I hit the tab key and the email sent without me finishing it, so let me start over
If you are a High School LMS
I would love your feedback in regards to study hall students in your LMC.
What is your policy?
Does your high school hold all study halls in your library?
Are you in charge of study halls and the students in your library?
Do classroom teachers have study hall and send students?
       If so, what is your policy as to students coming to your library?
Does your café hold study halls?  If so, what happens during lunch waves?
Does your school have a "senior" area, where only seniors go (not the library)
I am trying to develop a new policy for study hall students in my LMC, and would love some colleagues advice.
Thanks so much
Nikki Giangreco
Westbrook High School, LMS

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 12:53 PM, Nicole Giangreco <> wrote:
If you are a High School LMS
I would love your feedback in regards to study hall students in your LMC.
What is your policy?
Does your school hold all  study halls in your library?
Do classroom teachers have study hall and send students?