School Library Month is AASL's annual recognition of school librarians and school library programs. It honors the essential role that strong school library programs play in a student's educational career.
PSAs from Spokesperson Jeff Kinney
Two new video PSAs featuring Jeff Kinney, New York Times bestselling author of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, are now available! Jeff is the national spokesperson for the 2014 observance of School Library Month, and in the PSAs he encourages viewers to “celebrate how our nation’s school libraries change lives.” In one of the 30 second videos PSAs, Jeff speaks to the role of the school librarian in technology instruction. In the second, he relates how students who have access to a school library program staffed by a certified school librarian achieve higher test scores. The videos can be viewed at and downloaded from
Declare Your Right to School Libraries
The Declaration for the Right to Libraries is the cornerstone document of ALA President Barbara Stripling’s presidential initiative, Libraries Change Lives, which is designed to build public will and sustained support for America’s right to libraries of all types – academic, special, school and public.
The Declaration for the Right to Libraries has been adapted with permission for a focus more specific to school libraries. School librarians across the country are encouraged to hold and participate in signing events using The Declaration for the Right to School Libraries.School Library Month is a great opportunity to increase public and media awareness about the value of a fully staffed and well funded school library program to the community at large.
Downloadable copies of the Declaration can be found on the SLM website. A signing toolkit is available to help you organize an event.
Complimentary Webinar Series
As part of the celebration, AASL will present a four week webinar series. Webinars are prerecorded and available on-demand on AASL's professional development repository, eCOLLAB. We'll announce each new webinar in our weekly School Library Month emails.
In Brains Change @ Your Library, Paige Jaeger asks, "Are you making the most of your 'library time?'" Whether you are working with a fixed or flexible schedule, it is imperative to treat every opportunity as a valuable teachable moment. In this short webinar, we hope to leave you challenged to insert an element of higher level thought into your lessons. We all need to raise the rigor of our learning endeavors and train students to think, discover, and share.
Student Video Contest
How does your school library change lives? Students are encouraged to submit videos showcasing how their school library connects to this year’s School Library Month theme, “Lives Change @ your library.” Contestants are urged to unleash their creativity and have fun! Use humor, drama, music and/or special effects to showcase your amazing school library. Prizes include a boxed set of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books provided by Abrams and a one-year subscription to CultureGrams, an online database from ProQuest. Videos are due April 15, 2014. Enter today!
AASL Wants to Hear Your Story
How did an act of parent or student advocacy change your school library program's life? Some stories may feature parents and students who have gone to extraordinary measures to save their school library program and their certified school librarian. Others may feature parents and students who engage in small acts of everyday advocacy in support of their school library program. Both types of stories demonstrate how students and parents value their school library program and the essential place it holds in developing lifelong learning. Share your story with us here.
School Libraries Change Author's Lives
The School Library Month Committee reached out to authors and asked them to share their stories of how school libraries changed their lives. Watch AASL's Twitter and Facebook accounts for their quotes and be sure to share and retweet to spread the word!

Can't wait to see who will appear? Click the image above!