My procedure is very much the same.  However,  most importantly,  I complete attendance in Infinite Campus by scanning our student ID barcodes.  I use the attendance module, attendance wizard and I have a drop down box that I choose library.   I like have control of who and how many students enter the library.    Because there is such a high demand for library use, I have large cards (deli style) 1-30 and once the last card is given out that is the last spot.  I collect the cards as I scan the students in.  The students need to have their student ID or they are not allowed in.  My only problem now, is that students rush to get to be “first in line” and they rush to get here.  They even try to talk their teachers into leaving early. 


In addition, I have 3 computer labs in the library which teachers can sign up for and I have enough table space for 2 classes in the main library and t3 computer carts.  Sometimes teachers take the carts to their rooms and sometimes they work here.  They especially like to work in the library with the carts because they have opportunity to collaborate with me.   I also have 20 computers in an open lab for the study hall students to use. 


At this point, I am the only librarian at our high school and I do not have any other staff.  I am also the district department chair. 


There are teachers that rotate front desk duty every period that provides another adult in the room with me.  On Monday, I do have an elementary librarian that comes for one day a week to assist. 


I would certainly like more staff.  I lost 3 paras 3 years ago from layoffs, but I am glad that students like to come to the library.  I am also happy to  collaborate whenever I can.  We also have a wonderful collection and I often pull carts of books for teachers to use in their classrooms. 


From: [] On Behalf Of Yulo-medeiros, Julie
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 9:01 AM
To: Nicole Giangreco
Subject: RE: [CASL-L] Re: calling all High School LMS


At Cromwell High School students sign-up to use the library before the start of the school day. We have two sheets out with a total of seven columns (one column for each period of the day). Once the column is full students are out of luck for a space in the library during that period. The column has space for approximately 30 students. We find that when we allow more than 30 students the noise level goes up and the productivity level goes down based on the space we have available.


Students report to the library at the beginning of their study hall. They check off their name and find a space to work (computer, table, comfortable chair, sometimes even the floor).


At the start of period 1 the library para quickly types up the lists on an excel spreadsheet and sends it out to the entire staff via email. Anyone with a study hall looks at the list to see if any of their missing students are in the library.


We accept students from classes throughout the day, requesting that teachers call first before sending students to the library. That allows us to decide if we can accommodate more students.  We discourage teachers calling from study halls to send students down because the procedure we use (sign-up before the start of the day) has been used for many years. Students know the procedure and we want them to follow it. Of course, we make exceptions because our hearts aren’t made out of stone. We notice that our new teachers often call at the beginning of the year with request to send students down from their study halls. That’s our mistake in not letting the new teachers know the procedure.




Julie Yulo-Medeiros

School Librarian

Virtual High School Site Coordinator

Cromwell High School

34 Evergreen Road

Cromwell, CT 06416

860.632.4841 Ext: 14830


I am currently reading Tell the Wolves I’m Home by Carol Rifka Brunt, Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo and Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. What are you reading?



From: [] On Behalf Of Nicole Giangreco
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 12:58 PM
Subject: [CASL-L] Re: calling all High School LMS


Sorry, I hit the tab key and the email sent without me finishing it, so let me start over


If you are a High School LMS

I would love your feedback in regards to study hall students in your LMC.


What is your policy?

Does your high school hold all study halls in your library?

Are you in charge of study halls and the students in your library?

Do classroom teachers have study hall and send students?

       If so, what is your policy as to students coming to your library?

Does your café hold study halls?  If so, what happens during lunch waves?

Does your school have a "senior" area, where only seniors go (not the library)


I am trying to develop a new policy for study hall students in my LMC, and would love some colleagues advice.


Thanks so much

Nikki Giangreco

Westbrook High School, LMS


On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 12:53 PM, Nicole Giangreco <> wrote:


If you are a High School LMS

I would love your feedback in regards to study hall students in your LMC.


What is your policy?

Does your school hold all  study halls in your library?

Do classroom teachers have study hall and send students?





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