This is our third year of with the VHS program.  My attendance is set up very much like a class.  We have an 7 period day and students are scheduled during their “study hall.  This period is then converted to a VHS class of which I am considered the teacher.    There is a tab and classlist and  I take attendance every period.  I put grades in for progress reports and each quarter.  I can enter the grades by student or by section.  I have to go in by period, but the students are listed who are scheduled for the period and I enter the grades.  I call or email each parent and report student progress as part of our school wide goal of parent communication each quarters.    We use Infinite Campus.  I don’t know if that is easier or harder.    I could also scan our student ID badges and enter them into the library using our attendance module. 


From: [] On Behalf Of Matthews, David
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 8:23 AM
Subject: [CASL-L] VHS Site Coordinators, Middlesex CC coordinators, etc


Good morning,


I am trying to find out how other site coordinators handle inputting grades into Power School as well as taking attendance for their online students. At H-K, I have ten different classes listed for “A” period that I must go into to mark whether a student is present or not. My school runs on a A-G schedule. It is a hassle and time consuming taking attendance. I also have to enter grades at progress report time and at the end of marking periods (the grade must be forced due to the set up of the classes in Power School)


If you have Power School at your school and are the site coordinator for online classes  – how do you take attendance? and enter grades (if you are responsible for entering grades)?




Dave Matthews

Haddam-Killingworth HS

Media Specialist and VHS Site Coordinator

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