I cleaned up my Dewey and then labeled each shelf to give a topical visual on each shelf but stayed true to Dewey.  Too many exceptions to create non-Dewey altogether...
It has given the kids a chance to just browse without going so far as changing the structure of Dewey.  We increased non-fiction by almost 10%.
We also categorized the biography section - Authors, Musicians, Athletes, etc. which increased biography circulation by 54%!!
Total non-fiction increase is 18% including biographies.

Lisa Carroll
Library Media Specialist
Instructional Resources Coordinator
Northeast Middle School
530 Stevens Street
Bristol, CT  06010
(860) 584-7839 x136

>>> "Yvonne Robinson" <yrobinson@renbrook.org> 6/4/2014 10:12 AM >>>
Hi There!

We're toying with going "Beyond Dewey" in our non-fiction section (grouping books by child-friendly categories; similar to bookstores) and would love to hear from anyone who's already doing this and is willing to share. In particular...

What categories do you use?
How do you label your books?
Is the new category part of the call number? Included in your catalog?
Are you happy with it? What's the reaction from your students? Faculty and staff?
Pitfalls to avoid?

Thank you in advance.

Yvonne Robinson
Renbrook School