I'm going to Wyoming next week and came across this Cafepress page while looking for interesting libraries to visit.

Somewhere between the mudflap girl, the bumper stickers ( You can have my book when you pry it from my cold dead fingers), the rodeo book rider and the two images of the Trojan Horse pulled by a pick up truck, my attention was caught.  Funny, edgy, re-purposing old images for libraries.  It speaks of the west but also of libraries, a neat trick.

Does Connecticut have anything like this?  If we don't, what images would we use?  Is there a student competition somewhere in here?

Just a thought, happy summer.


Matt Cadorette
Waterford High School
20 Rope Ferry Road
Waterford, CT
(860) 437-6956

Mr. Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!