Cross-posted; please excuse duplication. Please forward as appropriate.




From OneClickdigital comes this announcement:



Dear OneClickdigital customer,

We are pleased to announce the full release of our new OneClickdigital eAudio app.  The new app is available for download or upgrade in the app store for all iOS, Android, and Nook Color users.  Users can search for OneClickdigital in the app store and select the OneClickdigital eAudio Player.

The new eAudio app is full of new features and enhancements, allowing for users to download individual chapters and titles, easily search for content, have multiple user profiles, and more easily view and manage their checked out titles. 

Patrons using the new OneClickdigital eAudio app for the first time will be required to enter their OneClickdigital username and password to log in.  For those that may have forgotten this information, they can visit your library’s OneClickdigital website, go to the Login page and select “Forgot your password”.  This will generate an email that will allow them to login to the service.

We hope your patrons will be pleased with the improvements to the app and we will continue to keep you informed of enhancements and information regarding your OneClickdigital service.  Thank you for your business with Recorded Books.


Jeff Metz

OneClickdigital Product Manager


I understand from Support that a new Kindle Fire app will be released soon too.


Best to all,


Eric Hansen

Electronic Resources Coordinator

786 South Main Street

Middletown, CT 06547-5101

Tel. 860.704.2224

888.256.1222 (in CT)

Fax 860.704.2228



