Join in AASL's Share the Wealth Campaign--and Win!

As an AASL member you know the value your membership provides in advancing your career and strengthening your profession. Starting September 1, 2014, you have the opportunity to “Share the Wealth” with your colleagues--and win prizes! Extend AASL’s reach, recognition, and resources by communicating with your friends, colleagues, and state association about the benefits offered through AASL membership. For each member you recruit, your name will be entered into:
- A monthly drawing for a complimentary year of AASL membership (a $50 value)
- A grand prize drawing for a complimentary AASL 17th National Conference & Exhibition registration, airfare to Columbus, Ohio, and a three-night hotel stay (a $1500 value)
Multiple referrals will be accepted and increase your chances to win! For complete program rules, tips, and recruitment tools, visit www.ala.org/aasl/join/STW. Share the wealth today!
Deadline Extended for AASL’s 17th National Conference Preconference Proposals
AASL is extending its submission deadline for preconference workshops proposals for its 17th National Conference & Exhibition. AASL is seeking proposals half- or full-day preconference workshops to be held Wednesday, Nov. 4 and Thurs., Nov. 5, in Columbus, Ohio. The new deadline is midnight on Friday, Sept. 5, 2014. More information is available at www.ala.org/aasl/rfp.
AASL Webinar Reshapes Read-Alouds into ‘Talk-Alouds”
An upcoming webinar from AASL will examine read-aloud strategies that promote the exchange of reader responses between children and educators. Presented by Raquel Cuperman, “Talk-Alouds: A Different Approach to Read-Alouds” will take place at 6 p.m. Central on Wednesday, Sept. 10. Attendance at the live webinar is open to all. Only AASL members and AASL eCOLLAB subscribers will have access to the webinar archive. For more information and to register, visit ecollab.aasl.org.
Webinar Provides Framework for Professional Growth
An upcoming webinar from AASL will demonstrate how the use of A Planning Guide for Empowering Learners, AASL’s online program assessment and planning module, can drive a school librarian’s personalized learning plan. Presented by Mary Keeling, “AASL Planning Guide: A Framework for Professional Growth” will take place at 6 p.m. Central on Thurs., Sept. 25. Attendance is open to all.
For more information and to register, visit ecollab.aasl.org.
ALA Committee on Accreditation Seeking Comments on Standards for Accrediation of Master’s Programs in Library and Information Studies
The ALA Committee on Accreditation (COA) has released a third draft revision of the 2008 Standards for Accreditation of Master’s Programs in Library and Information Studies at www.oa.ala.org/accreditation/?page_id=326 for comment through October 24, 2014. The draft provides further clarification and incorporates many of the suggestions received on the prior drafts released May 14, 2014 and December 6, 2013. The draft is the result of more than five years of review involving research, analysis, and discussion among COA members and stakeholders virtually and face-to-face, as documented at www.oa.ala.org/accreditation.
LA, Harwood Institute Announce ‘Public Innovators Lab for Libraries’ Community Engagement Training Opportunity
ALA and The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation have announced an intensive three-day training opportunity to help libraries strengthen their role as agents of positive change in their communities. The Public Innovators Lab for Libraries will be held Oct. 8 to 10 at the Loudermilk Convention Center in Atlanta. Librarians, community partners and stakeholders in libraries of all types — public, academic, school and special libraries — are encouraged to register. Participants must register online by Sept. 30. The cost is $1,495 for the first person from an organization and $995 for each additional person. Team participation is encouraged.

Leslie Preddy’s School Library Program Receives 2014 Sara JaffarianSchool Library Program Award
AASL President-Elect Leslie Preddy’s school library program, “The R.O.A.D. I Travel (Research, Observe, Analyze, Discover),” at Perry Meridian Middle School in Indianapolis, Indiana, was awarded the 2014 Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award. Over the course of one semester, librarians assisted five eighth-grade classes and nearly 500 in researching their family histories online and in historical newspapers on microfilm. The Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award is an annual award to a school library that has conducted an exemplary program or program series in the humanities during the prior school year.
Cheryl Cartwright, Christina Dorr, Sarah Thornbery, Krista Taracuk Honored at OELMA
Four AASL members received awards from the Ohio Educational Library Media Association. Cheryl Cartwright, library media specialist at Greensview Elementary School in Upper Arlington, Ohio, received the OELMA/Follett Library Resources Outstanding School Librarian Award. Christina Dorr, library media specialist at Hillard City School District in Hillard, Ohio, and Sarah Thornbery, teacher-librarian at Springboro Jr. High School in Springboro, Ohio, were awarded the Leadership-in-Action Award. Krista Taracuk, a retired school librarian, received the Outstanding Contributor Award.

2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey Data Released
The National Center for Education Statistics has added the 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) data to PowerStats. This update includes the following datasets from the 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey: Public Schools, Private Schools, Public and Private Schools combined, Public Principals, Private Principals, Public and Private Principals combined, Public Teachers, Private Teachers, Public and Private Teachers combined, Public School Districts, and Public School Library Media Centers.
Inclusion Boosts Language Skills of Preschoolers with Disabilities
The "peer effect" of attending preschool with children who have strong language skills offered a benefit to students with disabilities, according to a study of more than 600 children conducted by researchers at Ohio State University and Toledo University in Ohio. The researchers hypothesize that as children with disabilities interact with their classmates through play, learning to take turns in a conversation, telling stories, and communicating their wants and needs, they benefit from a chance to imitate good language skills.
Some Parents, Students Are Lukewarm on Quality of Tech Teaching
A study indicates that just more than half of parents and students rank their schools as adequate or better in technology instruction. Younger parents and female students give less-favorable ratings in the survey conducted by the Center for the Digital Future. "It's a clear case of digital adopters teaching digital natives," said Greg Bovitz, a senior fellow at the center. "In the current classroom, the students have an innate advantage when it comes to technology."
Children’s Life Trajectories Determined by Family
A new study finds that children’s fates were substantially determined by the family they were born into. Johns Hopkins University researchers followed nearly 800 Baltimore schoolchildren for a quarter of a century. "A family's resources and the doors they open cast a long shadow over children's life trajectories," Johns Hopkins sociologist Karl Alexander says in a forthcoming book, The Long Shadow: Family Background, Disadvantaged Urban Youth, and the Transition to Adulthood. "This view is at odds with the popular ethos that we are makers of our own fortune."
Growing Consumer Trust in Online Education
More U.S. adults--37% versus 33% in 2012--view online higher education as offering a quality education, according to a recent Gallup poll. Still, a majority of Americans--77%--favor traditional universities, and 58% said community colleges offer high-quality education.
Survey Spotlights Public Opinion on Teachers and Common Core
Public support for the Common Core State Standards has dropped from 65% in 2013 to 53% in favor now, according to a recent survey. The survey shines a light on public opinion concerning various education policy issues, such as the standards, teacher evaluations and school choice.
AAP Recommends Later Start to the School Day
Starting classes no earlier than 8:30 a.m. would help students, particularly teens, catch up on their nighttime sleep and boost their motivation and mood, the American Academy of Pediatrics said in a policy statement published in the journal Pediatrics. The statement is aimed at middle schools and high schools.
Gesturing Improves Language Acquisition
Making gestures with words helps children with and without hearing impairments improve their language, learning and cognitive skills, according to a recent study. Researchers suggest that gestures provide imagery to help children make categorical distinctions that comprise both spoken and signed language.
Education Secretary Duncan Offers Guidance on Testing and Evaluations
Education Secretary Arne Duncan in this blog post addresses key education issues, including teacher evaluations and test preparation. "Growth is what matters," he writes. "No teacher or school should be judged on any one test, or tests alone -- always on a mix of measures -- which could range from classroom observations to family engagement indicators."
Readers Absorb Fewer Details on Kindles
A new study finds that readers using a Kindle were "significantly" worse than paperback readers at recalling when events occurred in a mystery story. Anne Mangen of Norway's Stavanger University, a lead researcher on the study, said "the Kindle readers performed significantly worse on the plot reconstruction measure, ie, when they were asked to place 14 events in the correct order." The researchers suggest that "the haptic and tactile feedback of a Kindle does not provide the same support for mental reconstruction of a story as a print pocket book does."
Resources for School Librarians
Tips to Boost Productivity
Time management can be a big obstacle for educators, math teacher Benjamin Schrage writes in this blog post. He shares 10 practices that have helped him work smarter. "Take a hard, objective look at your work schedule and identify ways to save time--even if it's just five minutes here and there," he writes.
Educator Reviews Online Tools for College Prep
There are many game-based learning tools available that help ease the college admissions process, social studies teacher Matthew Farber writes in this blog post. Farber highlights various tools, including FutureBound, which aims to guide students through the college application process.
How Questions Can Connect Educators with Parents
Asking parents questions about their child and taking time to listen can help educators build a rapport with parents, transformational leadership coach Elena Aguilar writes in this blog post. She shares seven questions for parents that educators can use during phone calls, surveys or parent nights.
Simple Ways to Achieve Fluency in Classroom Technology
Technology cannot benefit the classroom unless teachers have the digital fluency essential to embed tech tools seamlessly into their instruction, educator and author Matt Renwick writes in this commentary. One way teachers can improve their fluency, he writes, is by making a personal connection with technology, by practicing using mobile devices at home, for example.
5 Ways to Get Students to Become Better Questioners
Questioning helps us learn, explore the unknown, and adapt to change, according to Warren Berger, questionologist, in this blog post. However, questioning isn’t as valued as it should be in our educational system. Teachers must go out of their way to create conditions conducive to inquiry. Berger outlines tips on how to encourage more questioning in the classroom.
Ways to Develop a Professional Learning Network
It is possible for educators to develop a professional learning network both online via Twitter or mobile applications such as Voxer and offline via in-person Meetups, K-5 technology teacher Sara Boucher writes. Boucher describes four PLN tools, including the Google Chrome extension Point, which allows users to highlight and share articles instantly with friends and colleagues.
Ways Educators Can Boost Their Creativity
In this blog post, the authors of the massive open online course "5 Habits of Highly Creative Teachers" break down the five habits, which include curiosity and reflection. "As educators, we must create the conditions that allow creativity to flourish in--keeping in mind that creativity will manifest itself differently in every student," they write.
ASCD Launches Redesigned ASCD EDge® Online Educator Community
ASCD is pleased to announce the redesign of the ASCD EDge® online community. Providing a platform to connect and interact with friends, colleagues, peers and mentors in the field of education, ASCD EDge offers the best of professional social networking to more than 76,000 educators. The completely reimagined, responsive design of ASCD EDge now features several updates focused on enhancing user experience and professional networking.
October Is Connected Educator Month
October is Connected Educator Month. CEM offers its popular Starter Kit and District Toolkit, as well as a plethora of other resources available on CEM’s Getting Started collection. Start planning Connected Educator Month by checking out the many tools and events at http://connectededucators.org/.
Field Trip Grants from Target
Since 2007, Target has funded out-of-school field trips at schools across the country. Each year, grants are awarded in all 50 states, and funding is available for teachers in all grades, K-12. Before you begin, be sure to browse past winners in your area, using Target’s state-by-state search tool. Prize: Grants available up to $700 for out-of-school field trips. Deadline: September 30, 2014.
Green Thumb Challenge Grant
The Green Education Foundation and Gardener’s Supply Company are sponsoring this challenge for K-12 schools across the country. The challenge is calling for K-12 schools, classrooms, and groups to document their existing student-run garden, through video, photos and/or artwork. The most inspiring gardens then receive funding for continued sustainability. Several $500 grants are available to benefit the country’s most inspiring K-12 gardens. Deadline: Sept. 30, 2014.
P. Buckley Moss Foundation: Grants for Teachers of Children Who Learn Differently
P. Buckley Moss Foundation Education Grants aid and support teachers who wish to establish an effective learning tool using the arts in teaching children with learning disabilities and other special needs. Maximum award: $1,000. Eligibility: new or evolving programs that integrate the arts into educational programming. Deadline: September 30, 2014.
Siemens/The College Board Siemens Awards for Advanced Placement
Siemens Awards for Advanced Placement fosters intensive research that improves students’ understanding of the value of scientific study and informs their consideration of future careers in these disciplines. Maximum award: $100,000 college scholarship. Eligibility: students must enrolled in high school (grades 9-12) during the 2013-14 school year, individually or as a team. Deadline: September 30, 2014.
First-Ever $1 Million Global Teacher Prize
This year, educators the world over can vie for the recently established Global Teacher Prize, or the Nobel Prize of teaching. Educators in any country can nominate themselves. Students and parents can nominate inspiring educators as well. Nominees will be judged by a panel of global education experts based on a variety of criteria, including dedication to the professional, achievements and recognitions and ability to positively influence students. One teacher will be honored next spring with a $1 million cash prize. Deadline: October 5, 2014.
The Lilead Fellows Program
The Lilead Fellows Program is an advanced and intensive professional development program designed to empower, enable, and equip school district library supervisors to think differently about their library programs and to be effective and inspirational leaders for change in their districts. Conducted in part with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the Lilead Project is accepting applications through October 13, 2014.
Departments of Education/Health and Human Services Preschool Development Grants
The U.S. Secretaries of Education and Health and Human Services announced that applications are now available for the Preschool Development Grants, a new $250 million federal program that will support states to build, develop, and expand voluntary, high-quality preschool programs for children from low- and moderate-income families. All States, including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, are eligible to apply for these grants. Applications will be due Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014. Grants will be awarded in December 2014.
2015 YoungArts Awards and Scholarships
Each year, the YoungArts Foundation offers financial support to foster the next generation of leaders in the arts. The awards honor top high school artists in the visual, performing and literary arts, who are in grades 10-12 or are 15-18 years old. To apply, a high school student must submit an application, as well as a portfolio or audition. Honorees are considered for U.S. Presidential Scholars status, have access to master classes, and are eligible to apply for scholarships and other financial awards. Top prize is $10,000. Deadline: Oct. 17, 2014.
Farmers Insurance: Thank a Million Teachers
Farmers Insurance wants to thank teachers all across the country and have a genuinely positive impact on the lives of teachers and their students. Every educator that has been thanked on ThankAMillionTeachers.com is eligible to apply for a grant. The winners must use the money to purchase school supplies through AdoptAClassroom.org or have the funds applied toward a professional certification through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Maximum award: a $2,500 grant. Eligibility: current K through 12 teachers in the United States who have submitted a qualified proposal on www.thankamillionteachers.com. Deadline: October 31, 2014.
State Farm Foundation Grants
State Farm is committed to meeting the needs of our communities by focusing our giving in three areas: Safe Neighbors (safety), Strong Neighborhoods (community development), and Education Excellence (education). Maximum award: varies. Eligibility: nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations under Section 501(c)3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code; Canadian charitable organizations, educational institutions, and governmental entities. Deadline: October 31, 2014.
Verizon Innovative App Challenge
Verizon's Innovative App Challenge encourages teams of 5-7 students, led by an adviser, to develop a concept for an app that addresses a need in their school or community. Submissions are judged by their need, usefulness, and the audience they will reach. To apply, student teams submit a concept overview and summary, along with a 3-5 minute video essay. Prize: Regional and state winners receive funding and online technical support from MIT experts to help build their app. Deadline: Nov. 24, 2014.
NSTA Wendell G. Mohling Outstanding Aerospace Educator Award
The Wendell G. Mohling Outstanding Aerospace Educator Award recognizes excellence in the field of aerospace education. The recipient of the award will be honored during the Awards Banquet and the Aerospace Educators Luncheon at the annual NSTA Conference. Maximum award: $3,000, and $2,000 in expenses to attend NSTA’s National Conference. Eligibility: educators in informal education settings (e.g., museums, government, science centers). Individuals must be nominated for this award; self-nominations accepted. Deadline: November 30, 2014.
Grants to Increase Access to Healthy Foods from the No Kid Hungry Foundation
Providing students access to healthy and nutritious meals is the focus of No Kid Hungry Foundation grants. Currently, the foundation supports projects that increase access to summer meal programs, school breakfast and after-school snacks and meals. Plus, advocacy efforts, including anti-hunger issues and needs and educating families about SNAP and the Women, Infants, and Children programs. Interested schools can submit letters of inquiry year-round. Prize: Average grants range from $5,000 to $10,000. Deadline: Rolling.