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| CatExpress: Copy Cataloging with CatExpressSeptember 25, 2014 (Minitex) 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 21, 2014 (Minitex) 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This live online course provides instruction on copy cataloging using the CatExpress interface. This course covers the copy cataloging workflow including searching, holdings maintenance, exporting and downloading records. After completing this course, the learner will be prepared to fully utilize the CatExpress service. 
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| Connexion Browser Module 1- WorldCat, MARC, and Browser BasicsOctober 1, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This course provides instruction on the structure of the WorldCat bibliographic database, an introduction to the MARC bibliographic record format, as well as an introduction to the setup and basic navigation of Connexion Browser. After completing this web-based training, learners will have the foundational knowledge required to begin using Connexion as a copy cataloging tool. Learners will also be able to navigate the interface and set up Connexion Browser to begin a work session efficiently. This is the first part of a three module series designed to enable basic copy cataloging work in Connexion Browser. 

| Connexion Browser Module 2 - Basic Searching in Connexion BrowserOctober 6, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This online module provides instruction on performing basic bibliographic searches using OCLC’s Connexion Browser cataloging software. After completing this web-based training, learners will be able to conduct basic searches for bibliographic records in WorldCat, and evaluate whether a given record matches the item to be cataloged. This is the second part of a three module series designed to enable basic copy cataloging work in Connexion Browser. 

| Connexion Browser Module 3 – Basic Editing and Record ProcessingOctober 8, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This online course provides instruction on working with MARC bibliographic records in Connexion Browser, including using MARC field help, editing MARC records, updating holdings, and exporting MARC records. After completing this training, learners will have the knowledge to complete basic record actions in Connexion Browser. 

| Connexion Browser Module 5 – Editing Master RecordsOctober 14, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This course provides instruction on OCLC’s rules and process for editing and improving master records in the WorldCat database with a standard, full-level cataloging authorization. After completing this web-based training, learners will be ready to apply their existing knowledge of cataloging rules to the process of improving master records in the WorldCat database. Trainees will also learn the financial incentives for improving master records, identify in-depth resources to assist them in the process of improving master records, as well as learn procedures for reporting record errors that cannot be fixed by members with full-level cataloging authorizations. 

| Connexion Browser Module 6 - Advanced Bibliographic Searching in Connexion BrowserOctober 21, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This online module provides instruction on how to use Connexion Browser to conduct advanced searches of the WorldCat database. After completing this web-based training, learners will be prepared to make more thorough and more precisely targeted searches with improved efficiency, in order to find the right record faster. 

| Connexion Browser Module 7 – Original CatalogingOctober 28, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This web-based course explains OCLC standards for original bibliographic records in WorldCat, and provides instruction on techniques for creating these records in Connexion Browser. This course does not cover AACR2 or other cataloging rules, MARC, subject headings, or authority control. 

| Connexion Browser Module 8 – Authority ControlOctober 29, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time Authority control is the process by which consistency of form is maintained in headings for names, uniform titles, series titles and subjects used in a library catalog. Authority control can also be used to provide “see” and “see also” references, to disambiguate similar headings, and to collocate records for the same work (such as translations or classical music). This course provides instruction on how to use OCLC Connexion Browser to perform authority control work within bibliographic records. After completing this web-based training, learners will be prepared to: interpret authority records, search and browse the OCLC authority file, and link headings in bibliographic records to appropriate authority file records. This course does not cover Authority History, the OCLC Terminologies Service, the Chinese Name Authority File, nor procedures for NACO libraries. 
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| Connexion Client Module 01 - WorldCat, MARC, and Client BasicsOctober 13, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This online module provides basic information about the WorldCat bibliographic database and the MARC record format. It also provides an introduction to the program interface, as well as instruction on how to set up and navigate the Connexion Client program. After completing this web-based training, learners will be prepared to read basic MARC records, set up Connexion Client on their workstation, and successfully enter commands via the program’s various input methods. 

| Connexion Client Module 02- Basic Bibliographic SearchingOctober 7, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This online module provides instruction on performing basic bibliographic searches using OCLC’s Connexion Client cataloging software. After completing this web-based training, learners will be able to conduct basic searches for bibliographic records in WorldCat, and evaluate whether a given record matches the item to be cataloged. This is the second part of a three module series designed to enable basic copy cataloging work in Connexion Client. 

| Connexion Client Module 03 – Basic Editing and Record ProcessingOctober 15, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This online course provides instruction on working with MARC bibliographic records in Connexion Client, including using MARC field help, editing MARC records, updating holdings, and exporting MARC records. After completing this training, learners will have the knowledge to complete basic record actions in Connexion Client. 

| Connexion Client Module 04 - Save Files, File Management, and Batch ProcessingOctober 23, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This online module provides instruction on using Connexion Client to perform high volumes of searches and record actions using the efficiency of batch processing, including the use and management of Save Files. After completing this web-based training, learners will know how to use Connexion’s file management tools to manage online and local save files effectively, and will be able to enter multiple search keys and record actions, process batches, and perform batch actions by OCLC number. 

| Connexion Client Module 05 - Automation and CustomizationSeptember 9, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This online module provides instruction on the use of Connexion Client’s tools for automation and customization. After completing this web-based training, learners will be prepared to complete editing tasks more efficiently and to customize Connexion Client to fit their individual workflow. 

| Connexion Client Module 06 - Editing Master RecordsSeptember 10, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This online module provides instruction on how to use Connexion Client to take quality control actions on records in the WorldCat database. Emphasis is on actions available to members with Full level cataloging authorizations (i.e. you do not need “Enhance” authorization to benefit from this course). After completing this web-based training, learners will be prepared to contribute to the library cooperative by taking actions to improve the quality of records in the WorldCat database, while taking advantage of the financial incentives for quality control contributions. 

| Connexion Client 07–Advanced Bibliographic SearchingSeptember 11, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This online module provides instruction on how to use Connexion Client to conduct advanced searches of the WorldCat database. After completing this Web-based training, learners will be prepared to make more thorough and more precisely targeted searches with improved efficiency, in order to find the right record faster. 

| Connexion Client 08–Original CatalogingSeptember 22, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This live online module provides instruction on how to use Connexion Client to create original records to add to the WorldCat database. After completing this Web-based training, learners will be prepared to use Connexion to efficiently create original records using a variety of methods, including blank workforms, deriving records and extracting metadata from digital resources. The course will also explain financial incentives for adding new original records to WorldCat. 

| Connexion Client 09–Authority ControlSeptember 23, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This live online module provides instruction on how to use Connexion Client to perform authority control work within bibliographic records. After completing this Web-based training, learners will be prepared to search the authority file, add a selected authority record to a bibliographic field and link headings in bibliographic records to the LC authority file. 
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| | Resource Description and Access
| Rudimentary RDA Part 1: What RDA Is and When It Will HappenSelf-paced (TMQ) This two-part course is a start on learning about the basics (the 'rudiments') of RDA to prepare you for switching to following the new guidelines and instructions for cataloging, when you are ready to do so. We will explain what RDA is, who is responsible for it, when we will implement it, why we need it, what's so different about it and how we can get ready for it.Part 1 of this course is made up of a series of free online modules, available 24/7, and covers: what RDA is, who is responsible for developing and maintaining it and when we will implement it. 

| Original Cataloging of Monographs Using RDA (MCLS)September 9-11 2014 1:30–3:30 pm, Eastern Time In this hands-on workshop, you will explore the foundations behind RDA, the tools included in the RDA Toolkit and leave with a better understanding of how to transition from AACR2 to RDA. Participants will learn the core elements of a catalog record, key MARC tags, how to assign subject headings, basic authority control and why it is important. 

| RDA Original Cataloging for Bemidji (Minitex)September 22-23, 2014 9:00am–5:00 pm, Eastern Time Minitex presents this two-day, in-person workshop on deciphering RDA's approach to original cataloging. Training will focus on practical RDA cataloging matters, with further comments on its structure (where do I find the rule?) and its connections to AACR2 (what's changed? what hasn't?), FRBR (what's WEMI got to do with it?), and the future. To these ends, we will revisit FRBR, then step our way through the RDA text to build bibliographic records and access points for a variety of monographic materials. We will also delve into RDA's depictions of relationships and the roles these play in our cataloging. Hands-on exercises round out the training. 

| RDA Original Cataloging for St Cloud (Minitex)September 25-26, 2014 9:00am–5:00 pm, Eastern Time Minitex presents this two-day, in-person workshop on deciphering RDA's approach to original cataloging. Training will focus on practical RDA cataloging matters, with further comments on its structure (where do I find the rule?) and its connections to AACR2 (what's changed? what hasn't?), FRBR (what's WEMI got to do with it?), and the future. To these ends, we will revisit FRBR, then step our way through the RDA text to build bibliographic records and access points for a variety of monographic materials. We will also delve into RDA's depictions of relationships and the roles these play in our cataloging. Hands-on exercises round out the training. 

| Cataloging with RDA (Amigos)September 30-October 3, 2014 11:30am–1:30 pm, Eastern Time Goodbye AACR2 and hello RDA. This workshop will bring you the latest news on RDA and give you a thorough overview of the new content standard. Topics include: FRBR review; RDA Core elements for description, preferred titles and names; changes from AACR2; articulating relationships between resources and entities; RDA Toolkit functionality; using workflows and mappings to catalog materials with RDA. Through exercises and hands-on cataloging experiences, participants will receive a thorough grounding in RDA. 

| AACR2...Meet RDA (MCLS)October 15, 2014 9:00–11:00 am, Eastern Time Cataloging with RDA (Resource Description & Access) is similar to cataloging with AACR2...and then again it's not! In this 2-hour webinar, key differences between AACR2 and RDA will be identified and shown through examples. Some of the challenges and implications of these differences will be discussed, and possible solutions suggested. 

| Copy Cataloging of Monographs Using RDA (MCLS)October 21-23, 2014 1:30–3:30 pm, Eastern Time Here is your chance to work with RDA (Resource Description and Access) while learning the fundamentals of copy cataloging of monographs. In this hands-on workshop, you will explore the foundations behind RDA, the tools included in the RDA Toolkit and leave with a better understanding of how to transition from AACR2 to RDA. Participants will learn the core elements of a catalog record, key MARC tags, how to assign subject headings, basic authority control and why it is important. 

| Original Cataloging of Videos & DVDs Using RDA (MCLS)October 29-31, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This workshop teaches participants how to catalog videos and DVDs using such tools as RDA and Library of Congress Subject Headings Manual. The class will address original cataloging in the MARC format. 

| Copy Cataloging of Videos & DVDs Using RDA (MCLS)November 5-7, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This workshop teaches participants how to catalog videos and DVDs using such tools as RDA and Library of Congress Subject Headings Manual. The class will address copy cataloging in the MARC format. 

| Copy Cataloging of Digital Resources: Virtual/Internet Resources & Video Games Using RDA (MCLS)November 18-20, 2014 1:30–3:30 pm, Eastern Time Here is your chance to work with RDA (Resource Description and Access) as applied to the copy cataloging of digital resources. This hands-on workshop teaches participants how to catalog digital resources using such tools as the RDA toolkit, the Library of Congress-Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements and Library of Congress Subject Headings Manual. All forms of digital resources, virtual materials, such as websites, eBooks, eSerials and downloadable audio books, music and video files, as well as physical media, such as video games, CD-ROMs and other computer disks will be addressed. The class will address copy cataloging in the MARC format. 

| Original Cataloging of Archives Using RDA (MCLS)December 2-4, 2014 1:30–3:30 pm, Eastern Time Here is your chance to work with RDA (Resource Description and Access) as applied to the original cataloging of archives. This hands-on workshop teaches participants how to original catalog archives using such tools as the RDA Toolkit, the Library of Congress - Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements and Library of Congress Subject Headings Manual. The class will address original cataloging of all forms of archives. 

| Original Cataloging of Digital Resources (Virtual/Internet Resources and Video Games) using RDA (MCLS)December 10-12, 2014 1:30–3:30 pm, Eastern Time Here is your chance to work with RDA (Resource Description and Access) as applied to the original cataloging of digital resources. This hands-on workshop teaches participants how to original catalog digital resources using such tools as the RDA toolkit, the Library of Congress-Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements, and Library of Congress Subject Headings Manual. The class will address original cataloging of all forms of digital resources: virtual materials, such as websites, eBooks, eSerials, and downloadable audio books, music and video files, as well as physical media, such as video games, CD-ROMs and other computer disks. The class will address original cataloging in the MARC format. 

| Copy Cataloging of Archives Using RDA (MCLS)December 17-19, 2014 9:00–11:00 am, Eastern Time Here is your chance to work with RDA (Resource Description and Access) as applied to the copy cataloging of archives. This hands-on workshop teaches participants how to catalog archives using such tools as the RDA toolkit, the Library of Congress - Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements and Library of Congress Subject Headings Manual. All forms of archives will be addressed. The class will address copy cataloging in the MARC format. 

| Original Cataloging of Sound Recordings Using RDA (MCLS)December 17-19, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This workshop teaches participants how to catalog sound recordings (CDs, MP3s and cassettes, both musical and nonmusical), using such tools as RDA and Library of Congress Subject Headings Manual. The class will address original cataloging in the MARC format. 
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| Introduction to WebDeweyOctober 9, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This course provides an introduction to WebDewey, the online interface to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system. The course will include both basic and advanced searching and browsing. It will also guide users in accessing the Main Classes and Tables within WebDewey. Attendees will learn how to set options and preferences and how to create and save library specific comments for future reference. 
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| The WorldCat Knowledge Base: What It Is, and Why It Matters to Your LibrarySeptember 4, 2014 2:00–3:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 7, 2014 2:00–3:00 pm, Eastern Time This online session provides staff at member libraries with the purpose, benefits, features, functionality, and costs of the knowledge base. Learners will also be given a high level overview of the resources and procedures required to implement and maintain the service. 

| WorldCat Knowledge Base Implementation WebinarSeptember 11 or 23, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 22, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time Once your library has submitted the WorldCat knowledge base request form and received an implementation checklist, attend this webinar to learn about your data submission options and the knowledge base implementation process. This is appropriate for libraries ready to implement the knowledge base for enhanced resource sharing and/or as part of their WorldCat Local or WorldShare Management Services subscription. 
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| | Related Training for Cataloging and Metadata
| Just for CopyCats, Part 1: Background and SearchingSelf-paced (TMQ) This two-part course outlines the basic principles of copy cataloging in a MARC record environment. It will introduce you to the art of: finding cataloging records that you can copy; ensuring that those records really match your resources; and fixing the really important things that might need fixing in those records. Click here for more details about the contents of the course. Part 1 of this course is made up of a series of free online modules, available 24/7, and covers: some useful background material; how to read a MARC record for searching and matching; and advice on search terms and results. Click the button to access these modules. 

| MARC21 in Your Library, Part 1: MARC and Bibliographic Information FundamentalsSelf-paced (TMQ) This two-part course is a beginner's introduction to MARC21 and how it is meant to work in a library automation system. It explains what the MARC standards are, and how we apply those standards to code the bibliographic information that our cataloging rules tell us to provide, so that our data will function effectively in a library catalog. Click here for more details about the contents of the course. Part 1 of this course is made up of a series of free online modules, available 24/7, and covers the underlying fundamentals of MARC and bibliographic information. Click the button to access these modules. 

| Assigning Library of Congress Subject Headings (MCLS)September 3-5, 2014 1:30–3:30 pm, Eastern Time This workshop provides practical experience in assigning Library of Congress Subject Headings as part of the cataloging process. Participants will learn how to perform a technical reading of an item and how to choose appropriate subject headings based on the principles of subject heading assignment put forth by the Library of Congress. This class will be online for 3 - 2 hr sessions over 3 consecutive days using our online workshop software. You will receive additional instructions on how to attend this session after registering for this class. 

| Assigning Library of Congress Call Numbers: Basics (MCLS)September 16-18, 2014 9:00–11:00 am, Eastern Time This workshop will teach users how LC call numbers are created. You will learn what the different LC designations are. You will learn what cutters are and how to assign them using the cutter table. Users will assign call numbers to items. This class will be online for 3 - 2 hr sessions over 3 consecutive days using our online workshop software. You will receive additional instructions on how to attend this session after registering for this class. 

| Dewey Decimal Classification (MCLS)September 24-26, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This is an introduction to the 23rd edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification system. The instructor will teach participants how to interpret and construct Dewey Decimal call numbers. Participants will learn how to derive the base number from the index and schedule and then how to complete the number using tables and other devices. Participants will examine a number of examples in detail and will also construct numbers from scratch. The examples will cover all major subject areas in the classification scheme. Participants will learn how to construct "complete" Dewey numbers, such are used in large research libraries, but will also learn how to build "truncated" Dewey numbers, such as those that are used in school, public and small academic libraries. This class will be online for 3 - 2 hr sessions over 3 consecutive days using our online workshop software. You will receive additional instructions on how to attend this session after registering for this class. 

| MARC: An Introduction (MCLS)October 7-9, 2014 1:30–3:30 pm, Eastern Time Don't be intimidated by MARC! Do terms like fixed and variable fields scare you? Are you put off by subfields and indicators? This class is designed to help you better understand MARC, whether you are a cataloger, reference librarian, interlibrary loan practitioner or support staff. If you're contemplating migrating to a new system or automating your library for the first time, a better understanding of MARC will be helpful. 

| Assigning Library of Congress Call Numbers: Advanced (MCLS)November 11-13, 2014 1:30–3:30 pm, Eastern Time Expanding on what was learned in Assigning LC Call Numbers: Intermediate, this class will teach users how to assign call numbers using 2 cutters. You will learn how to construct complicated cutters for the LC classification. You will learn how to use LC tables. You need to have previously taken the Assigning LC Call Numbers Basic and Intermediate class or have that knowledge prior to taking this workshop. 
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| | Featured Digital Collection Management Courses | | 
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| CONTENTdm Basic Skills 1–Getting Started with CONTENTdmSeptember 22, 2014 (WiLS) 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 13, 2014 (Minitex) 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time The fundamentals of using CONTENTdm to manage your digital collections are covered in three webinars: (1) Getting Started with CONTENTdm, (2) Working with Text in CONTENTdm, and (3) Maintaining Collections in CONTENTdm. This course provides instruction on the structure of CONTENTdm, navigating and using CONTENTdm Collection Administration to create and manage a digital collection, as well as using the CONTENTdm Project Client to prepare digital items for addition to a collection. After completing this Web-based training, learners will have the foundational knowledge required to begin using CONTENTdm to manage digital items. With this basic understanding of the software, learners will be prepared for the next module, Working with Text in CONTENTdm. Learners will be able to navigate CONTENTdm Collection Administration as well as the Project Client. 

| CONTENTdm Basic Skills 2–Working with Text in CONTENTdmSeptember 23, 2014 (WiLS) 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 15, 2014 (Minitex) 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This course provides instruction on the structure of CONTENTdm, navigating and using CONTENTdm Collection Administration to create and manage a digital collection that includes text-based materials, as well as using the CONTENTdm Project Client to prepare digital items for addition to a collection. After completing this Web-based training, learners will have the foundational knowledge required to begin using CONTENTdm to manage textual materials. Following completion of this webinar, in addition to Getting Started with CONTENTdm, learners will be prepared for the next module, Maintaining Collections in CONTENTdm. 

| CONTENTdm Basic Skills 3–Maintaining Collections in CONTENTdmSeptember 24, 2014 (WiLS) 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 17, 2014 (Minitex) 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time Maintaining Collections in CONTENTdm is the third webinar in the basic series for users new to CONTENTdm. This course provides instruction on editing collection items through CONTENTdm administration and the CONTENTdm Project Client. Additionally, the course explores workflows that make it possible through the use of tab-delimited data to import significant numbers of compound objects and/or legacy metadata in one operation. After completing this Web-based training, learners will have the foundational knowledge required to begin using CONTENTdm to manage digital collections. 

| CONTENTdm and WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway OverviewOctober 14, 2014 3:00–5:00 pm, Eastern Time This presentation provides an overview of CONTENTdm 6 and the WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway. It includes discussion of the functionality built into the CONTENTdm Administration modules, including Collection and Website Configuration. A live demonstration using the very latest OCLC Hosted CONTENTdm version includes adding digital items to a Collection both with the web-based “add” function, and with the Project Client. Both simple and compound objects are used to build and demonstrate browsing and searching the CONTENTdm website. Because CONTENTdm supports the Open Archives Initiative’s protocol for metadata harvesting, (OAI-PMH) published collections may be shared through the WorldCat sync and OAI functions. The presentation ends with a brief look at CONTENTdm item metadata as displayed in WorldCat after being harvested through the Gateway according to this standard protocol. 
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| | Related Training for Digital Collection Management
| File Not Found: An Introduction to Digital Preservation Training EventSeptember 23, 2014 (Minitex) 2:00–3:00 pm, Eastern Time Has your computer ever crashed and you lost all those important files you had saved? What if the loss was spread to the contents of your entire organization? Or, have you ever gone back to a file that was a few years old and tried to open it, only to find that you no longer have the program to read the file? As most of the records we create are digital, digital preservation is essential to ensure continued access to these resources.
This session provides a basic introduction to the concept of and issues associated with digital preservation. Digital resources are defined, the life-cycle of digital objects is discussed, and challenges and risks associated with digital preservation are identified. Participants will be introduced to the Library of Congress's Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Program. 
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| | Featured Resource Sharing and Delivery Courses | | 
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| | WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
| Introduction to OCLC Interlibrary LoanSeptember 4, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 14, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This course is designed for libraries that are new, first-time subscribers to WorldShare ILL, and for staff from libraries with established subscriptions but who are new to the service themselves. This course can also serve as a refresher or review for library staff who may have never had training and want more information about ILL on OCLC. 

| WorldShare ILL – BorrowingSeptember 9 or 22, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 6 or 22, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This course is part of a series to help transition member libraries already familiar with WorldCat Resource Sharing and its functionality to OCLC’s new WorldShare ILL service. Specifically, it will concentrate on Borrower activities that need to be known by member libraries as they transition to and begin to process borrowing requests in WorldShare ILL (WSILL). 

| WorldShare ILL – LendingSeptember 10 or 23, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 7 or 23, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time This course is part of a series to help transition member libraries already familiar with WorldCat Resource Sharing and its functionality to OCLC’s new WorldShare ILL service. Specifically, it concentrates on Lender activities that need to be known by member libraries as they transition to and begin to process lending requests in WorldShare ILL (WSILL). 

| Custom Holdings on WorldShare ILLSeptember 25, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 16, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time Custom Holdings allows OCLC’s WorldShare ILL (WSILL) system to quickly and automatically identify potential lenders and route requests based on your library’s preferred lenders. Implementation of the custom holdings function also significantly reduces the time you spend processing borrowing requests. 

| Deflection on WorldShare ILLSeptember 24, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 15, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time The deflection feature in OCLC's WorldShare ILL system enables lenders to automatically deflect requests for items in their collection that they hold but do not loan over ILL. By utilizing this feature, lenders in WorldShare ILL will significantly reduce the time they spend processing lending requests. This course covers how to set up, maintain, and use deflection in WorldShare ILL via the ILL Policies Directory and the Local Holdings Record in Connexion Browser. 

| Patron-Initiated ILL with OCLC Direct RequestSeptember 17, 2014 2:00 - 4:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 28, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time OCLC’s WorldShare ILL (WSILL) system can accept requests patrons have created electronically in diverse external sources such as FirstSearch or WorldCat Discovery, which library staff can then finish processing manually, or automate via the Direct Request feature to deliver requests directly to lenders. This course covers how to implement patron-initiated resource sharing which, in turn, significantly reduces the time staff spends processing borrowing requests. 
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| | Related Training for Resource Sharing and Delivery | | 
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| | Featured Maximizing Courses | | 
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| | Maximizing Your OCLC Services | | 
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| | Featured Reference and Discovery Courses | | 
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| | WorldCat Discovery Services
| Searching & Configuring WorldCat Discovery ServicesSeptember 3 or 24, 2014 11:00am–1:00 pm, Eastern Time or September 9 or 18, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time WorldCat Discovery Services is a new suite of cloud-based applications that brings together the FirstSearch and WorldCat Local services. This course will provide attendees with an overview of WorldCat Discovery Services, including a searching demonstration, migration information and a review of configuration settings for customizing features of WorldCat Discovery Services. 

| Configuring WorldCat Discovery ServicesOctober 2 or 22, 2014 11:00am–1:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 9 or 14 or 30, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time WorldCat® Discovery Services is a new suite of cloud-based applications that brings together the FirstSearch and WorldCat Local services. This course will provide attendees with a review of configuration settings for customizing features of WorldCat® Discovery Services. 

| Searching WorldCat Discovery ServicesOctober 7, 2014 11:00am–1:00 pm, Eastern Time or October 23, 2014 2:00–4:00 pm, Eastern Time WorldCat® Discovery Services is a new suite of cloud-based applications that brings together the FirstSearch and WorldCat Local services. This course shows how to search in WorldCat® Discovery Services. 
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| | Related Training for Reference and Discovery | | 
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| | Additional Upcoming CoursesOCLC and our Training Partners have many exciting courses currently scheduled. You can find more professional development opportunities on OCLC’s Training Portal. | | 
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