On October 1, 2014, the fifth annual Digital Shift: Libraries @ the Center will provide actionable answers to a critical question: How can libraries adapt and adopt emerging technologies and tools, new ways of learning, and the evolving publishing ecosystem to remain at the center of their communities?
This free, full-day online event will feature a variety of sessions focused on public libraries, including: | | • | Digital Strategies for Job Search Training Tara Lannen-Stanton, Coordinator, Job & Business Academy, Queens (NY) Library Lauren Comito, Job & Business Academy Manager Jakea McGhaney, Employment Counselor | | | • | Implementing New Digital Strategies in Response to a Community Emergency Kelvin Watson, VP Digital Strategy and Services, Queens Library (NY) | | | • | Successfully Partnering with Small Organizations To Digitize Local Content Edward Smith, M.A., M.S., Executive Director of the Abilene Library Consortium (TX) | | | • | Libraries, Film/Media, Children, and Families: Making Connections Renee Hobbs, Professor and Founding Director of the Harrington School of Communication and Media at the University of Rhode Island | | | • | Bringing A New “Voice” To Our Library and School With 3D Printing Shannon McClintock Miller, K-12 district teacher librarian, Van Meter Community School (IA) | | |
| Daniel J. Levitin PhD, award-winning scientist and author of The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in an Age of Information Overload. | 
| Anil Dash, cofounder and CEO of ThinkUp: Analytics for Humans and one of the earliest and most influential technologists in social media. |
Registration for the virtual conference is FREE and includes 3 months of access to the event archives, on-demand, including all presentations, information and handouts from the show, so sign up today!