Thank you for all the responses! To answer some questions, yes I am looking at being a School Library Media Specialist. Whichever degree I choose, I would want one with the school certification program. I might want to get the MLS in case I want to work in public libraries later. But at the moment, I see myself staying in schools so I am definitely open to the idea of a technical education degree. My main focus is getting the certification since I'd like to further my career working in school libraries. 

 I currently have my Bachelor's in Communication. Unfortunately, I would need to do a full program instead of an accelerated one for people with an education background. The programs I need seem a bit limited right now in CT. The librarian at my school did an accelerated program. The other Library Media Specialists I have talked to obtained their degree from SCSU before they lost their accreditation.  Feel free to give me e-mail out to anyone you think would be able to give advice. I'm feeling a bit confused about it all right now haha. I figured this would be the best place to ask for some advice :)

Emily Ziemba
Media Center Technical Assistant
Silas Deane Middle School
Direct Line: (860) 571-8300 X 417
Media Center: (860) 571-8320
School 2: (860) 563-3490

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Ziemba, Emily <> wrote:
Hello all, 

I'm a current Media Center Assistant, planning on going back to school to get my Masters and certification to became a Library Media Specialist. I was wondering what your thoughts are about current certification programs in Connecticut. Since SCSU has lost their accreditation, things seem a bit more tricky. I'm trying to find a program part-time or online since I would like to stay at my current position. 

Do any of you have thoughts on current programs to obtain the CT School Media Certification? I've been looking at University of Rhode Island and Fairfield University. They both have blended programs of online and in-person classes. I know people who have done their MLS entirely online. However, I don't know if you can do a MLS with the certification online. 

Do you think it would be more advantageous to get a Master's in Library Science or Educational Technology? I would appreciate any feedback on the subject that any of you have. Feel free to email me directory as well at Thank you!


Emily Ziemba
Media Center Technical Assistant
Silas Deane Middle School


Emily Ziemba
Media Center Technical Assistant
Silas Deane Middle School
Direct Line: (860) 571-8300 X 417
Media Center: (860) 571-8320
School 2: (860) 563-3490