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From: "Sarah Sogigian [MSLAmembers]" <>
Date: September 9, 2014 at 11:28:12 AM EDT
Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Subject: [MSLAmembers] Registration for the 6th Annual Teen Summit is open!
Reply-To: Sarah Sogigian <>


Registration for the Sixth Annual Teen Summit has just opened! We’ll be holding this event at the Beechwood Hotel in Worcester, MA on Thursday October 16th, 2014.

Sixth Annual Teen Summit: The New Basics (click here to view the posting on our Event Keeper Calendar)

Much has changed since our first Teen Summit back in 2009; the iPad was a rumor, Minecraft was just breaking ground and we were still holding onto our game controllers while dancing-XBOX’s Kinnect was still a year away. According to the Young Adult Library Services Association’s “Future of Library Services for and with Teens: A Call to Action" 2014 report, there is a paradigm shift in services for teens. As one report participant said, “Libraries used to be grocery stores. Now we need to be kitchens.” Instead of just consuming what the library has to offer users are looking to create and innovate. For teens, libraries are a place for engagement and directed learning and our librarians need to be ready to answer the call to action. Join the Massachusetts Library System and the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services as we take a look at the new basics for teens. The daylong event will start with a keynote from Maureen Hartman, Youth Services Coordinator at the Hennepin County Library System (MN) and an author of the YALSA 2014 report. We’ll have breakout sessions led by peer leaders in the field and a closing panel discussion of the whole library approach to teen services. There will also be plenty of networking opportunities and as always, a lot of fun! You are encouraged to invite a colleague or other stakeholder from your community to attend with you.

To attend please complete and mail the registration form with a check for $35.00 to-

MLS Teen Summit Registration
Attn. Amanda Fauver
Massachusetts Library System
225 Cedar Hill Street, Suite 229
Marlborough, MA 01752

This event is Co-Sponsored by the Massachusetts Library System and the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services

Thank you!

Sarah Sogigian
Advisor, Youth Services
Massachusetts Library System

 YALSA Board of Directors

"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." Marty McFly


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