We only charge for lost or damaged-beyond-repair books. If a student can't pay, we'll have him/her work it off but it is hardly worth the trouble because I have to go back and reshelve the misshelved books. (We're a K-5 school.) 

Nancy Shwartz
Library Media Specialist
Cos Cob School
Greenwich, CT

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Earnshaw,Tracy <tearnshaw@rsd13.org> wrote:

Please reply if you charge fines for overdue materials at your school.  We charge 5 cents per day for regular materials and 25 cents per day for Reference and media materials such as headphones.




Tracy Earnshaw

Library Media Specialist

Coginchaug Regional High School

P.O. Box 280

135 Pickett Lane

Durham, CT 06422

(860) 349-7215

(860) 349-7218 (fax)



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