
A colleague and I are working on creating templates that will resemble the SBAC adaptive questions for Claim 4--in particular the questions about source evaluation (Claim 4, Target 3).  The documents we are working from are from SBA itself (Apendix B, and the ELA Item Specifications).  Throughout the documents, it is mentioned that students will be evaluating websites for "credibility and relevance."  With the current models of eval we teach (CRAP and CARRDS), credibility is simply that a source has a trustworthy author (e.g. a credentialed, named author--individual or corporate).  It feels like SBAC is working off a broader definition.  They never ask questions specifically about bias or purpose, so are they including those concepts in Credibility?????  Is there a glossary/guide to help us ensure I am interpreting that word correctly?  I did a keyword of the SBA website for the term credibility, and did not find anything to elaborate.

Anyone else try to dissect the SBAC documents and come up with anything else? 


Janet Kenney, Library Media Specialist, Webmaster,
& Instructional Technology Coordinator
Bristol Eastern High School
1-860-584-7876 x152