Good morning,
I had a number of requests for responses to my inquiry regarding high school research projects and the role of the high school librarian. Below is my original inquiry followed by the responses I got. Thank you to everyone for your suggestions!
Original inquiry:
At Trumbull High School all Freshman go through a marking period course called Freshman Foundations. They cycle out of the health class. It is a fantastic course. The students are introduced to Google Drive,(THS has been a google apps schools for years now) they research and write a 3 page paper. As the Media Specialist I teach how to access and use Google Drive, Databases, Plagiarism, Website evaluation, digital footprint, google form and google spreadsheet. The students are also required to create and present a google presentation about their research topic, an e-portfolio-where I show them how to set up pages and folders for each academic year and course within the year. This is created using a Google site. They also read for the first ten minutes of class and respond using edmodo. Next year we are switching to Google classroom. Oh, and they also choose lit circles and read a book. I can’t tell you how much I love co-teaching this course. I get in everyday for the first week, and then go back for the graphing and e-portfolio. We are adding a graphing component this year-SLO-so they will be able to create data tables- a request from the Science teachers. After the paper, they will create a survey using Google form, survey their class –using phones-and create the data table and graph. We want them to experience how facts and information are gathered. They will then use the table as part of the presentation-slide show. I can’t say enough about the course. Trumbull is twice the size of Law. Graduating class is 555. There are 3 teachers, who teach 2 sections each of the course. Two are reading teachers and one is our writing specialist. I think they have been teaching this for 4 years now? Maybe longer. The classroom they meet in has 30 computers. From what I hear the scheduling was a nightmare the first year, but they have it down now….
At our school, we have academies, including STEM and AMAT. Students in STEM are required to have an e-portfolio for the four years they’re in the academy. It isn’t a graduation requirement but one that has to be maintained when in the academy. Regular English IV students have a captstone project they have to do a presentation on using a digital tool. This is required for a six weeks grade and is a major assignment. I help with those classes by showing them different tools and how to use them as well as giving them options to pick and choose.
Our 10th grade English students do a research project, although the length and resource requirements vary from teacher to teacher. 11th grade Social Studies does a long research paper also, with much agreement on scope. I'm involved with the 10th grade, have them for 5 days of research related instruction, website eval, citation practice. Really short reminder with 11th grade - 10-15 minutes, hand out database sheet again, point out Social Studies specific resources they might not (ok, don't) know about.
Thanks Sarah. I participated in this AASL Webinar a few weeks ago. You might want to see if you can access it on the AASL site. It's been archived:
Senior/Capstone Project: The Role of the School Librarian
West Hartford is just beginning to discuss digital portfolios and Capstone projects for both middle and HS . We are creating a google site to use as a template for grades 6-12 to use as a digital portfolio, we hope to pilot at grade 6 this year , and yes LMS will be involved in supporting students in learning how to use a google site to upload etc. Part of the hold is waiting for the SDE for more direction.