Please excuse cross-posting.
The librarians at Castilleja School are pleased to announce Research Relevance: K-12 Library Instruction for the 21st Century, a colloquium for school librarians. We will be gathering on June 24-25, 2015, at Castilleja in Palo Alto, CA. We're just south of San Francisco; consider spending a couple of extra days in the Bay Area if you're coming in for ALA annual.
Registration is now open! Our space is limited, but we hope that many of you will be able to join us to work with colleagues on key questions facing us as we teach research skills to our students and colleagues. Think with Kristin Fontichiaro about inquiry, Debbie Abilock and Sue Smith about threshold concepts, and Sara Kelley-Mudie about asking good questions, among many others.
Thank you,
The Research Relevance Team
Jole Seroff and Tasha Bergson-Michelson
Jole Seroff
Director of Library and Information Services
Castilleja School