Hi everyone,

I received several queries about the books and workshops that I read and attended about elementary learning commons.

The two books that have been most helpful and practical for me are:

The first book I read was The New Learning Commons: Where Learners Win by David Loertscher but I needed something more practical, hence the two titles above.

Like many of you, I am attending the series of Learning Commons workshops led by Fran Kompar (who just happens to be my supervisor) at CES and I have learned a lot from those workshops.

At AASL 16 in Hartford a couple of years ago, I attended an Elementary Learning Commons session by several teacher librarians from Newton, MA, and it gave me quite a bit of information.  Their presentation is available from eCollab on the AASL website.

Slideshare also has some presentations about elementary learning commons, although you're really just getting the visuals and not the narrative.

I have an Elementary Learning Commons board on Pinterest but I just noticed that most of the stuff on there is for Makerspaces--another thing that my principal wants. Here is the link, if you'd like to visit it: https://www.pinterest.com/mrsshorts/elementary-library-learning-commons/ 

Hope this helps!
