The Best Fiction for Young Adults list is now available online!
The list price, if you were to purchase today, one copy of each of these titles is:
The Baker & Taylor discounted price, if you were to purchase today, one unprocessed copy of each of these titles is:
The Notable Children’s Books list is now available online!
The list price, if you were to purchase one copy of each of these titles is:
$ 1,849.5
The Baker & Taylor discounted price, if you were to purchase one unprocessed copy of each of these titles is:
$ 1,152.23
Some of these titles are still on the shelf at the Service Centers (many are circulating). Just check our catalog to see if a book you are interested in is available:
Linda Williams
Children's Services Consultant
Connecticut State Library/WLSC
1320 Main Street, Suite 25
Willimantic, CT 06226
(860) 456-1717 x302
DLD Facebook page: