Cross-posted; please excuse duplication. Please forward as appropriate.


K12 librarians please note:


When Recorded Books migrated its OneClickdigital downloadable eAudio and eBook service to its new platform this week, iCONN's user account creation for K12 users within the schools moved from IP address recognition to bar code only.


This means that K12 users who had created accounts prior to the launch of the new platform should have no trouble using their existing accounts. Those in the K12 community who wish to create new accounts in iCONN's OneClickdigital service will need to use a valid public library card number even if they do so within a K12 building, for the present.


I have been assured that this state of affairs is temporary - OneClickdigital technicians are working now to restore IP address recognition for account creation within K12 buildings. I am monitoring the situation and will write again when K12 account creation within school buildings without a public library card number is restored. In the meantime, questions are welcomed.




Eric Hansen

Electronic Resources Coordinator

Division of Library Development

Connecticut State Library

786 South Main Street

Middletown, CT 06547-5101

Tel. 860.704.2224

888.256.1222 (in CT)

Fax 860.704.2228

