...and oops! I turned off the mouse halo (yellow circle) during the annotations, so you cannot "follow" it the whole time. Upon request, I can try to fix it later!

On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Janet Kenney <janetkenney@bristolk12.org> wrote:
I just did some exploring and found a convenient way to move between student projects in a dropbox. I also discovered you can open all of a student's note cards at once for commenting.  In the spirit of a picture being worth a thousand words, I make a screencast of my findings and posted it: http://youtu.be/gw3cuY2c8ew  
It is silent, but just follow the mouse :) 

On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 8:39 AM, Sue Lantelme <SLantelme@ledyard.net> wrote:

For those who have use Noodletools and the teacher interface, can you tell me if the Noodletools interface is more friendly then Easybib? Here's the scenario:

The teacher is reviewing & making comments on a student's notecards, then would like to move to the next student in the class. Is there a forward or next feature? Or, as is the case for Easybib, the teacher opens the class folder, opens the student's notebook, and reviews the notecards. Next student? GO back to My Projects, open the class folder, open the student's notebook, review, and again.  I count 3 excess clicks & a bit of time since our teachers have an average 100 students to look through. 

Thank you!

Sue Lantelme

MLS, Ledyard High School Librarian



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Bristol Eastern High School
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