Hi Matt -
My web page is a subpage of the school's site, which is hosted by a professional company and maintained by our Communications person. (I'm over at Williams - we're 6-12 independent school as you probably know). That said, within the school's parameter I have control of my own page(s).

At the risk of stating the obvious, I think this is a case of good ol' "KISS" - keep it simple...  I try to use my page as the reearch jumping off page for my kids - try to get them to bookmark it on their own devices (haha!), and it's the default opening page on all the school computer browsers. ("Doing research? Got an assignment? Start at the library page (www.williamsschool.org/library)..." - if I had a nickel for every time I said that, I could retire  ;-)

If you want to take a look feel free - but with the caveat that the whole school's site has just been updated and is still in flux - I had icons for all my databases and links (I like the visual for the kids, though our Communications person might prefer it the way it currently is, text only) - but she hasn't had time to get all the visual stuff back up yet.

Clearly the color scheme, design etc. is mostly out of my hands - I just provide the content. But if I were in charge of design, I would still say KISS - avoid cute-sy, flashing, scrolling text etc.

Hope this helps - have fun!

Carol Ansel
Librarian / Information Wilderness Guide
The Williams School
New London, CT

"Today, with our powers of concentration atrophied by the staccato communication of the Internet and attention easily diverted to addictive entertainment on our phones and tables, book-length reading is harder still" -- Colin Robinson

Matthew Cadorette <MCadorette@waterfordschools.org> writes:
I am working on my library webpage.

What do you think the strengths and weaknesses of your library webpages are?

What should I avoid? What should I include?

Any insight would be appreciated.


Matt Cadorette
Waterford High School
20 Rope Ferry Road
Waterford, CT
(860) 437-6956

You can have my book when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.
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