The new issue is in the mail!
Find out how 2014 Innovative Reading Grant winner Tina Genay developed her bike book mobile program in “Books on Bikes.”
Learn how Jennifer Colby integrated coding into her school’s curriculum in “2,445 Hours of Code.”
Slide your students into a summer of reading by making the most of booktalking with “Booktalking: Avoiding Summer Drift” by Jeff Whittingham and Wendy Rickman.
Explore resources and tips for Banned Books Week and Banned Websites Awareness Day in “Coming This Fall to a School Library Near Your: The Challenged, The Banned, and the Filtered” by Susan Ballard.
Get ready for the new school year with “You’re Hired! Welcoming New Teachers to the School Library” by Rebecca J. Morris. Morris shares how how to welcome new teachers and develop a working relationship with them.
Visit AASL’s eCOLLAB to get a jumpstart on reading the May/June issue. And be sure to check out the new and improved Knowledge Quest website for even more resources and news!

Look for the next issue in September. The theme is Intellectual Freedom.