Hi Barbara -

I've been working more closely with my World Language department as well.  This year I created a new section in the library with picture books written in Spanish.  I deliberately purchased some very simple books (pre-k, k-1) and some more advanced picture books (Patricia Polacco level...maybe grade 2-3 level).  It was a hit with the teachers and they're now asking for books of the "easy-reader" level written in Spanish.  I'm also now searching for lower-reading level audiobooks in Spanish.

Our city's public library just obtained a subscription to Mango Languages (a program my son has used and really finds helpful).  I advertised that to the World Language teachers and we pushed the students to get public library cards in order to access that program.

I was so excited when I found Reference Latina on iCONN.  Whenever a Spanish poetry website or something similar comes through the listserv I forward those sites to the teachers.

   Some examples:



current events in Spanish:  http://news.google.es/  

Here's my World Language webpage, although I'm behind on linking materials there:  http://www.milforded.org/page.cfm?p=9203

I don't know how good they are, but it also looks like there are some videos on TeacherTube which may be helpful.

If you receive helpful replies offlist, would you please post a "hit" of responses?  I'd love to hear of other ideas.

- Janice

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 3:24 PM, Barbara Lyons <lyonsb@wilton.k12.ct.us> wrote:
Hello collective brain.  I am meeting with my World Languages Dept. next week in order to try outreach.  I have seen less of them in recent years since they have two state-of-the art labs.
I am hoping to foster some collaboration, and have heard that they have concerns with students using electronic translators.  Does anyone have any suggestions on resources in Spanish, including translation sites, articles and/or videos?  (I am familiar with the Iconn's Reference Latina.)

One concern is the lower level classes are just beginning to learn past tense, so many Spanish language newscasts, etc. are too advanced for them.

Thanks- Barb Lyons

Barbara Lyons
Library Media Specialist
Wilton High School
395 Danbury Road
Wilton, CT 06897
203-762-0381 x6288
CASL-L mailing list

Janice Pellegrino, M.P., M.L.S.
Certified Google Educator
Joseph A. Foran High School
Milford, CT 06460

Twitter: @ForanLibrary
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