Hi, Goodnightmoon and CASL colleagues!


The Greater Hartford Mini Maker Faire will be held on Saturday, Oct. 3 at Tunxis Community College – and it’s open to all community members and students.  It is sponsored by the College of Technology’s Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing.   Tunxis is only the location, not the host.


As I understand it, they will be looking for interested faculty and students to participate as MAKERS, volunteers, or both --   as well as:


·         students who may be exploring new technologies on their own;

·         science clubs, engineering clubs, and any other student activity group that may have a project to share;

·         and, exciting demonstrations from your own classes that you and your students can share with attendees.



My question to all of you is:  Have you heard about this? 


I am very new to the whole maker movement.  I sent the above information to my own Tunxis community as an FYI, and now I am receiving many inquiries from parents wondering how their children can be involved.  I have no idea!  I am just wondering if this information has a conduit to the schools and local libraries.  Anybody connected with this?


Thanks so much for any information you can share.  The contact person for the mini maker faire is:  Wendy Robicheau at the Connecticut College of Technology in Hartford and I will contact her – but I am more interested in how this information might be sifting through the community, if it is sifting.









Lisa Lavoie, Ed.D., M.L.S.

Director of Library Services

Tunxis Community College

271 Scott Swamp Road

Farmington, Connecticut 06032



Information Literacy is proven when one recognizes the need for information and can choose the right source for the right reason at the right time. Again and again.