Good morning,

I just met with my evaluator for my year-end meeting regarding my SLO.  She asked that I send an email to the listserv to see if any high school librarians came up with a cool way to approach our SLOs.  I know that SLOs are somewhat easier at the elementary and middle school level where you get to teach a "library" class and see the same group of students throughout the year.  At our high school, I am the only certified librarian and so getting out into the classroom is tough.  I am sure that many of you are in the same boat.  I have been creating my SLO around use of library resources for freshman history research papers.  However, this is not really a year-long activity and only requires me to be in the classroom a handful of times.  There is no way, given library coverage issues, that I can really get out to any one class on a regular basis.  Additionally, teachers are so strapped to finish their curriculum, that adding me in to their class numerous times would also make it tough on them.  My evaluator was hoping that I could do something related to school-wide literacy, but without a specific group of students to track, we are unsure of how to approach this.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  

Have a great day!

Deborah Sharpe


Bracken Memorial Library

Woodstock Academy

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(860) 928-0046

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