-------- Original message --------
From: "LaValle, Dawn" <Dawn.LaValle@ct.gov>
Date: 06/05/2015 1:42 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: conntech@mylist.net
Subject: [Conntech] Livestream June 8th: Rethinking Libraries in the Digital Age


From: George Martinez <martinez@knightfoundation.org>

Subject: Livestream June 8th: Rethinking Libraries in the Digital Age

Date: June 5, 2015 at 10:08:31 AM EDT


Dear Colleagues and Friends.


I hope this email finds you well and looking forward to an exciting summer.


At 6 p.m., Monday June 8th, Knight Foundation will be livestreaming a conversation with author and thought leader John Palfrey on ways to rethink libraries in the digital age, based on his new book Bibliotech.


As you may know, Palfrey makes a compelling argument that libraries matter even more in the age of Google. Our complex world of ever-evolving information sources requires more guides, guidance and curators than ever, he argues. In addition, libraries offer a space to connect people to ideas and opportunities, providing a solution to the challenging issues of unequal access to education, jobs and information.


I was hoping you could share this information with your staff, patrons or community. It will be streamed beginning at 6 p.m. EST on June 8th at kngihtfoundation.org/live.


Thanks for your help in spreading the word and I hope you are able to watch the event this coming Monday.






Jorge Martinez

Vice-President / Chief Technology Officer

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation