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From: American Association of School Librarians <>
Date: August 18, 2015 at 4:11:58 PM EDT
To: Irene Kwidzinski <>
Subject: Your Profession, Your Standards, Your Voice
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Your Profession, Your Standards, Your Voice
The American Association of School Librarians empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.
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Your Profession, Your Standards, Your Voice

The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) is currently in the process of evaluating and revising its learning standards and program guidelines.

This is a critically important project to both the association and the profession. These publications define a direction for school library programs and offer a vision for teaching and learning to both guide and beckon school library professionals as education leaders.

Which is why your voice throughout this project is critically important!

For the first time in decades AASL will be using a multi-layered survey, data, and research approach to revise and rewrite the learning standards and program guidelines. To ensure the standards meet the needs of the entire community it is critical that we hear from you.

On Monday, August 31, AASL will launch an online survey open to all involved in the school library profession. The intention is to involve as many voices as possible in the information-gathering phases to ensure all facets of the school library world are heard. This is the most inclusive phase of research and your best opportunity to share information that will influence further research and writing.

We hope you will help us with this endeavor by not only taking the survey and sharing your attitudes and perceptions about current AASL standards and guidelines documents, but by also sharing the survey link with your colleagues.Your responses will be aggregated with those of others in the school library community and will determine the key focus areas for subsequent focus group research.

Please watch your e-mail and AASL social media outlets for the link to this survey starting on August 31. Note this survey will only be open for a limited time, closing on September 18. For more information on the review and revision process, please see Your Voice, Your Standards.
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AASL, 50 E Huron St., Chicago IL 60611

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