Participate and give your voice developing the new standards for school library programs!

On Monday, August 31, 2015 10:17 AM, American Association of School Librarians <> wrote:

You Can Set the Standard for the Profession
The American Association of School Librarians empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.
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You Can Set the Standard for the Profession

Learning Standards & Program Guidelines Survey Open through September 18

The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) is currently in the process of evaluating and revising its learning standards and program guidelines.

By participating in this newly launched survey built to assess attitudes and perceptions about the current AASL standards and guidelines documents, you can have a hand in creating the future standards of the profession.Topics covered in the 20-minute survey include content, usability and implementation.

The survey is open to all school library professionals. Please share as widely as possible to help ensure the standards meet the needs of the entire community.
“The AASL learning standards and program guidelines are at the core of who we are and what we do in order to meet the needs of the populations we serve. Learning standards help ensure the highest level of teaching and learning. Program guidelines lead us as a profession toward exemplary library programs.

Only by working together, only with your help, can we align the rewrite of the standards and guidelines with the needs of our country's diverse populations. It is imperative for you to contribute your expertise and perspective to the process. Thank you in advance for your contributions and for using your professional learning networks to spread the word.”  
- Leslie Preddy, AASL President
Survey responses are confidential and will determine key areas for subsequent focus group research. More information about the revision process can be found at Your Voice, Your Standards.
Copyright © 2015 American Association of School Librarians, All rights reserved.

AASL, 50 E Huron St., Chicago IL 60611