But they have downloadable Audio Books too, they were pretty cool! And the "test" has an awful computer voice!


On Sep 16, 2015 1:11 PM, "Cathy Andronik via CASL-L" <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:
Tried to "reply to all" to Barbara Johnson's comment but it wasn't going through properly.

Yes, the iconn articles are read aloud.  However, they are read aloud by an automated voice.  Having been on YALSA best audiobook committees for several years, and having had training for audiobook narration, I cringe listening to this sort of "reading aloud."  I'd concentrate instead on audiobooks of quality narrative nonfiction, read by professional narrators--if only not to turn kids off of listening to recorded books!

I'll see what I can find.

Cathy Andronik
Teacher Librarian
Brien McMahon HS, Norwalk

Amazing Audiobooks and Odyssey Committees between 2010 and 2015
On Wed, 9/16/15, Torrie Phillips <tphillips@cpsctg.org> wrote:

 Subject: [CASL-L] listening comprehension
 To: casl-l@mylist.net
 Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2015, 12:24 PM

 Hello all,  I’m in the midst of
 planning my SLO and one school-wide goal is to increase
 listening comprehension.  Our MAPS scores showed we are
 quite low in the area of students listening to a non-fiction
 passage and answering comprehension questions.  Does
 anyone know of  resources (online or iPad apps) where I
 could find a variety of K-5 non-fiction audio books or
 passages (preferably free) for students to listen to? I
 would not want them to be able to read along as this is
 strictly for listening comprehension.  If there are
 comprehension questions to go with them, all the
 better.  Otherwise, I could create my own as I will
 need to show data and growth.    Thanks in advance,    Torrie PhillipsK-5 Library Media
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