​Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions.  I am hearing about the Mom's wishes through the English teacher, so I don't have any more specifics.  I think you have all given me some great assistance- I had already pulled some bios and a few fiction books, will now be armed with many choices.  Of course, I plan on sharing my thoughts on letting him read what he is drawn to.  Have a wonderful weekend and take a walk in the woods!  Best, Barb Lyons  

Barbara Lyons
Library Media Specialist
Wilton High School
395 Danbury Road
Wilton, CT 06897
203-762-0381 x6288

From: Virginia Snowden <snowden06039@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 4:43 PM
To: Barbara Lyons; CASL_L
Subject: Re: [CASL-L] book suggestions needed - this is a challenge!
Try www.ARBookFind.com  (You don't have to use AR to search  this database of 160K+ books). The database is free for anyone to use, and is multi-searchable by interest as well as reading level, topics and subtopics.Renaissance, the company that created AR, doesn't sell the books, they just created the database, which  allows you to make and print a list through their bookbag. ARBOOKFIND.COM  does include links to Amazon, if you are interested in making  a purchase--but I always used my most economical vender options.  (Because the books on the site are not limited to any single publisher or institution or company, they have a huge range of books in the database--everything from Good Night Moon to Moby Dick. Newly published books are added within  a few weeks of  their  publish date. )
(Use advance search, search by  book level (reading level)  or lexile level, and interest level, the topics and subtopic lists are huge, but they have award winners at all level as well as BIG high-low section.) 
I found the database very helpful when I needed to beef up our collection for kids who were not reading at grade level. (It was supplemental to DESTINY, does not take its place but was a huge help in building a better collection.  (FYI --the books are given ratings  too--the ratings come from the tens of thousands of kids reading the books and taking AR quizzes. ) 
That being said, 
Does Educator Mom want her son to become a better reader?  If so, success may prove allusive, if what mom wants doesn't align with  her son's interests.  What does her son like to read?  I'm not sure where one finds the  intersection of Capt. Underpants and positive, non-disturbing inspirational stories? But I do know successful  teachers  begin with their students' skill levels and interests. My personal  experience with literature has been that inspiration is quite often found as one overcomes the challenges of a disturbing topic. It may prove difficult to separate the two. Good luck! 
Ginny Snowden
LMS, retired 
Reed Intermediate School
Newtown, CT 

On Friday, October 16, 2015 2:38 PM, Barbara Lyons <lyonsb@wilton.k12.ct.us> wrote:

Happy Friday all- I have a tough request.  This child's mother is an educator and wants her son to read the following type of books:

-positive outcomes
-no disturbing topics

The boy is in high school, reading at 3rd grade level, likes Captain Underpants, music and sports

Many of my "Guys Read" books (that's the name of me Destiny category for reluctant boys) do not fit in the mother's wishlist.

I just got Chris O'Dowd's Moone Boy, which looks accessible & fun, but not exactly "inspiring"

any thoughts?

TIA -Barb

Barbara Lyons
Library Media Specialist
Wilton High School
395 Danbury Road
Wilton, CT 06897
203-762-0381 x6288

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