As we begin unpacking ESSA and preparing for the future, the federal government will provide opportunities for comment/advice. The first of these opportunities (there will be more opportunities with different foci as they also work at unpacking the Every Student Succeeds Act).
We need your help right now! On behalf of school libraries and young people, we need input from all over the country. We want to hear from you and your state. Please review and analyze (see the website for details) and send your suggestions to
Please send your email to Emily no later than January 13th. A formal report/response on behalf of ALA/AASL will then be prepared and submitted before the national deadline.
If you are working with a group to complete your analysis, please send one email from a representative from your group.
Please follow the link for details
Leslie Preddy, American Association of School Librarians, President
school librarian, teacher, author, keynote, social reader, makerspace coordinator, consultant, lifelong learner
Pinterest Resources:
Follow on Twitter: @lesliepreddy author page:
Sent from my tablet, so please forgive typos.