Last chance to register!
Seats are still available to view this ALA Webinar at the Middletown Library Service Center.

Free, registration is required.


Advancing Accessibility with Mobile: How Natural User Interfaces Make Life Easier for All Ages and Abilities


Accessibility for those with disabilities has always been very important, and is now more dynamic and prominent with advanced technologies. NUIs (natural user interfaces) are those that put the human first – by making use of multiple human senses. They do this with touch screens, speech recognition, camera input, and “haptic” output, such as the way an Apple Watch can gently tap your wrist for a notification. These trends, along with the accessibility features of mobile devices, are proving to be extremely useful to those with visual impairments, hearing loss, and mobility problems, and also those with autism.


In this workshop, you’ll learn how the move from GUI (graphic user interfaces) to NUI in mobile computing is proving to be more empowering for people of all ages and abilities. Nicole Hennig will show you examples of apps that use these natural interfaces and how people with disabilities are benefiting from these technologies. You’ll also get a list of the best mobile apps in this area, and a guide to learning more about mobile devices and accessibility.


As a librarian, it’s key to be aware of how these technologies can benefit your patrons so that you can recommend and offer the best access to information for people of all abilities.


After participating in this workshop, you’ll:


    Be familiar with the accessibility features of mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, and Android), so that you can help your users access information in the best ways for them.

    Know some of the best apps to recommend to your patrons with various kinds of disabilities, as well as for anyone who can benefit from easier access.

    Have a good start for becoming an advisor to your community members about how to use mobile technology in the most effective ways – improving access to information for all ages and abilities, from children to senior citizens.


About the Instructor


Nicole Hennig is an independent user-experience professional, helping librarians and educators effectively use mobile technologies.  Her books include Apps for Librarians: Using the Best Mobile Technology to Educate, Create, and Engage, Selecting and Evaluating the Best Mobile Apps for Library Services, and Best Apps for Academics. Her online courses, Apps for Librarians & Educators and Organize Your Life with Mobile Apps, have enabled professional librarians from all type of institutions to effectively implement mobile apps in their programs and services. She worked for the MIT Libraries for 14 years as head of user experience and web manager. Nicole loves teaching, presenting, and inspiring people to use technology effectively. To stay current with the best mobile technology for education, sign up for her email newsletter, Mobile Apps News.


DATE:  1/14/2016


END TIME:       4:00 PM

LOCATION:      Middletown Library Service Center Meeting Room, 786 South Main St., Middletown, CT, 06457


Click here to register.
Registration closes Wednesday, 1/13/2016 at 4:00pm.








Julie Styles | Professional Development Coordinator | Division of Library Development | 860-704-2206 | 786 South Main St. Middletown CT 06457
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