I’ve been getting a lot of requests for title suggestions for One School, One Book programs, and I’ve put together a starter list of books that have been used – mostly in Connecticut. Am I missing your school’s one book program selection? Send me a link!


You’ll find a link to the list in the center of this LibGuides page:

   http://libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/dld/children/Booklists under Connecticut Booklists.







Linda Williams | Children's Services Consultant, Division of Library Development | Linda.Williams@ct.gov | Office: (860) 456-1717 x302

libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/dld/children | 1320 Main St. Ste. 25 Willimantic CT 06226 | Phone: (860) 456-1717 | Fax : (860) 423-5874