The CT State Library is offering the following workshops and webinars in March…
Click on an event’s title for more information and to register.
This presentation will provide an overview of the services provided by the Connecticut Judicial Branch Law Libraries and Court Service Centers. We will include a brief description
of the organization of the cou...
Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 (and March 3 – see below)
Time: 1: 00pm - 4: 00pm
Location: Hall Memorial Library, 93 Main St, Ellington, CT 06029,
DLD Workshop
This training session will focus on individual EBSCOhost databases provided by researchIT CT that are most relevant to School Libraries. We will cover basic and advanced searching
in EBSCOhost, along with speci...
Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Time: 3: 00pm - 4: 00pm
Location: Online - at your computer,
DLD Online Webinar
The Internet is a window looking out to the world. Like any typical window, you can see the outside and anyone on the outside can see you. Because of that, the first lesson
regarding Privacy on t...
Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Time: 3: 30pm - 4: 30pm
Location: Online - at your computer,
DLD Online Webinar
Explora is EBSCO’s newest interface for schools and public libraries, and is replacing Searchasaurus, Kid’s Search and Student Research Center. Key features include: attractive,
user-friendly design...
Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Time: 9: 00am - 9: 45am
Location: Online - at your computer,
DLD Online Webinar
Help shape the future of our libraries! ACLPD Public Library Standards Task Force - Community Conversations Across Connecticut, communities are using their public libraries
in unique and exciting wa...
Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Time: 10: 00am - 11: 30am
Location: Goshen
DLD Special Program
This presentation will provide an overview of the services provided by the Connecticut Judicial Branch Law Libraries and Court Service Centers. We will include a brief description
of the organization of the cou...
Date: Thursday, March 3, 2016
Time: 1: 00pm - 4: 00pm
Location: Acton PL, 60 Old Boston Post Rd, Old Saybrook, CT 06475,
DLD Workshop
This training session will focus on individual EBSCOhost databases provided by researchIT CT that are most relevant to School Libraries. We will cover basic and advanced searching
in EBSCOhost, along with speci...
Date: Monday, March 7, 2016
Time: 3: 00pm - 4: 00pm
Location: Online - at your computer,
DLD Online Webinar
This training session will focus on the individual EBSCOhost databases provided by researchIT CT that are most relevant to Public Libraries. We will cover basic and advanced
searching in EBSCOhost, along with s...
Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Time: 1: 00pm - 2: 00pm
Location: Online - at your computer,
DLD Online Webinar
Help shape the future of our libraries! ACLPD Public Library Standards Task Force - Community Conversations Across Connecticut, communities are using their public libraries
in unique and exciting wa...
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Time: 11: 00am - 12: 30pm
Location: Middlebury
DLD Special Program
Need help configuring your Summer Reader/Wandoo Reader programs? Sign up for this 3 hour program and get your questions answered while you work. The goal is to have your
program set up by the end of...
Date: Friday, March 11, 2016
Time: 1: 00pm - 4: 00pm
Location: Middletown Library Service Center, 786 South Main St., Middletown,
DLD Workshop
Help shape the future of our libraries! ACLPD Public Library Standards Task Force - Community Conversations Across Connecticut, communities are using their public libraries
in unique and exciting wa...
Date: Monday, March 14, 2016
Time: 10: 00am - 11: 30am
Location: Bristol
DLD Special Program
OneSearch is a unified index of information resources provided by researchIT CT. This overview will focus on key features and functionality; explore basic and advanced searching;
and manipulating the resu...
Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Time: 3: 00pm - 4: 00pm
Location: Online - at your computer,
DLD Online Webinar
The Internet is a window looking out to the world. Like any typical window, you can see the outside and anyone on the outside can see you. Because of that, the first lesson
regarding Privacy on t...
Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Time: 3: 30pm - 4: 30pm
Location: Online - at your computer,
DLD Online Webinar
Introducing New Technologies: Bringing in financial supporters, staff and library users The current level of change in our communities’ use of new technologies ensures that
libraries will continue to b...
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Time: 9: 00am - 12: 00pm
Location: Middletown Library Service Center, 786 South Main St., Middletown,
DLD Workshop
This training session will focus on the individual EBSCOhost databases provided by researchIT CT that are most relevant to Public Libraries. We will cover basic and advanced
searching in EBSCOhost, along with s...
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Time: 10: 00am - 11: 00am
Location: Online - at your computer,
DLD Online Webinar
Job Shop: Finding the best fit This workshop benefits both the job seeker and the job filler. Job seekers will gain an overview knowledge of resume preparation techniques,
while job fillers w...
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Time: 1: 00pm - 4: 00pm
Location: Middletown Library Service Center, 786 South Main St., Middletown,
DLD Workshop
Help shape the future of our libraries! ACLPD Public Library Standards Task Force - Community Conversations Across Connecticut, communities are using their public libraries
in unique and exciting wa...
Date: Friday, March 18, 2016
Time: 10: 00am - 11: 30am
Location: Middletown
DLD Special Program
Help shape the future of our libraries! ACLPD Public Library Standards Task Force - Community Conversations Across Connecticut, communities are using their public libraries
in unique and exciting wa...
Date: Friday, March 18, 2016
Time: 1: 00pm - 2: 30pm
Location: Middletown Library Service Center, 786 South Main St., Middletown,
DLD Special Program
The Internet is a window looking out to the world. Like any typical window, you can see the outside and anyone on the outside can see you. Because of that, the first lesson
regarding Privacy on t...
Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Time: 3: 30pm - 4: 30pm
Location: Online - at your computer,
DLD Online Webinar
Are you looking to start a teen volunteer program or does your current program just need some fresh ideas? This workshop will go step by step through the essential elements
involved in a successful volunteer pr...
Date: Thursday, March 31, 2016
Time: 9: 00am - 12: 00pm
Location: Middletown Library Service Center, 786 South Main St., Middletown,
DLD Workshop

Julie Styles | Professional Development Coordinator | Division of Library Development | 860-704-2206 | 786 South Main St. Middletown CT 06457
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