Here's a link to a LibGuide I made for the elections - some of the resources are subscription databases, some researchIT CT, some general websites.

I especially  like the SIRS Issues Researcher database - I have a limited budget, but I think it's worth my money. The search interface is a little clunky looking, but the resources it contains are excellent - high quality, reputable periodicals. They also have a widget for the Reuters newswire (it's buried a bit on the site), AND, they initially present the info in a ProCon format - so helpful for debates and pro/con assignments!

I'm going to look into The Week - sounds really good!

Carol Ansel
Librarian/Information Wilderness Guide
The Williams School
182 Mohegan Avenue
New London, CT 06320-4110



"Today, with our powers of concentration atrophied by the staccato communication of the Internet and attention easily diverted to addictive entertainment on our phones and tablets, book-length reading is harder still" -- Colin Robinson