We love Webjunction!
Once again, they have posted a list (compiled by Jamie Markus at the Wyoming State Library) of tons of free webinars for library staff. Enjoy!


What's at the top of your learning list? We encourage you to focus an hour or two during the month of March on your learning need. Tackling those skills or knowledge gaps with one of these free webinars is a great way to make learning a priority. This list, provided by Jamie Markus at the Wyoming State Library, comes out every month and is regularly updated on the Free Training page, where you can also view the offerings by topic. This month's list covers 62 different online events in 18 different topic areas, from assessment and planning to privacy in the digital age.


For additional training, check out the WebJunction Catalog, free and open to library staff and volunteers everywhere.


Click here for 60 great free webinars, a three-hour symposium AND an online conference being offered for library staff and non-profits in the month of March.




Julie Styles | Professional Development Coordinator | Division of Library Development | 860-704-2206 | 786 South Main St. Middletown CT 06457
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