From: Darshell Silva <darshellsilva@GMAIL.COM>
Date: March 1, 2016 at 9:29:28 AM EST
Subject: Fwd: New England ISTE News
Reply-To: School Librarians of Rhode Island <SLRI-L@LISTSERV.RI.NET>
March 2016 - New England ISTE News -
View in web browser
March 2016 - New England ISTE News
Jean TowerTuesday, March 15th at 7 PMZoom Room -
Alice Barr
Thursday, March 31st at 7 PM
Zoom Room -
Zoom Room -
Topic TBASara Snyder WilkieTuesday, May 3rd at 7 PM
registration will open soon
Leading Future Learning Conference 2016 at Holy Cross, March 11, 2016
Upcoming Conferences
Leading Future Learning 2016 - March 11 at Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Blended Learning Conference - Highlander Institute, RI
Tech & Learning Live on Friday, April 29th, back at the Boston Marriott NewtonDynamic Landscapes - Vita-Learn, May 23-24 at Champaign College, Burlington, VT
ISTE 2016 - June 26-29 in Denver2016 ACTEM - October 13-14, Augusta Civic Center, Augusta, ME
2016 CECA - TBD in Hartford, CT2016 MassCUE - October 19-20 at Gillette Stadium, MA
VITA-Learn - Vermont Fest - November 2016
CMTC 2016 - Manchester - The Radisson & Expo Center
Check the NEISTE Calendar and the calendars of each affiliate for more events...
New England Area Twitter Chats
Maine's ACTEM Twitter Chats are Mondays from 8:30-9:30 PM. Click #edchatme for recent Tweets and Chat information.
New Hampshire ISTE Twitter Chats are Sunday nights at 7 PM at #nhed. The #nhed chats are archived on Storify. Island ISTE Twitter Chats are Sunday nights at 8 PM at #edchatri #1to1techat Weds at 9PM ET: A national chat for 1:1 schools and teachers organized by Jonathan R. Werner @maineschooltech, President-Elect of the ISTE Librarians Network.
Massachusetts #edchatma 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month
#istelib (Monthly): The national ISTE Librarians Network Webinar and Twitter chat. Visit for more information.
NEISTE Board 2015-2016
PresidentJohn Bilotta TreasurerGary Lanoie Vice-PresidentGaby Richard-Harrington SecretaryLorelle Allessio
Mailing address: NEISTE,, South Deerfield, MA, 01373, USA Unsubscribe from future emails.