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From: Meg Allison <mallison@U32.ORG>
Date: March 9, 2016 at 9:24:20 AM EST
Subject: U32: Job Opening
Reply-To: Meg Allison <mallison@U32.ORG>

Dear Colleagues, 

Since this job was posted during our winter break, I want to draw attention to a job opening in the U32 Middle and High School Library.  The successful applicant will be working as part of a two-person library media specialist team.   We have a well-supported library, with lots of student engagement and collaboration with faculty.  We are embarking on a library re-envisioning project, so innovative and creative teacher-librarians are encouraged to apply.

If you are interested, please visit our posting on SchoolSpring and note the application deadline of March 18th. 

Meg Allison

Meg B. Allison
U32 Middle & High School