Are you in a PLC too? 

How is the decision made about who you’re presenting to?

When you say you differentiate, what does that look like?


From: Sarah Briggs []
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:16 AM
To: Debbie Abilock <>
Cc: casl-l <>
Subject: Re: [CASL-L] PD with your teachers?


Hi Debbie,

This year I've started presenting to PLCs (you could also do departments if PLCs work differently at your school) on library resources and services specific to each discipline. I've presented to the entire faculty before, but just as with students, I've found that working with smaller groups with materials created specifically for them is more effective. This has already lead to increased feedback from the staff and several new collaborations.


Sarah Briggs

Library/Media Specialist

Jonathan Law High School

20 Lansdale Avenue

Milford, CT 06460


On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Debbie Abilock <> wrote:

Hi CASL-members,


I’m working on a piece about school librarians who are doing PD with your own faculty and looking for examples…

If you think this is of interest to the list, please reply to everyone with a blurb about what you’re doing.  If you’d just like to put out a feeler to me, please do!





Debbie Abilock


Smart tools, smart research, smart teaching


Abilock, Debbie, Kristin Fontichiaro, and Violet H. Harada, eds. Growing  Schools: Librarians as Professional Developers. Santa Barbara: Libraries Unlimited-ABC CLIO, 2012.

SLC Column “Friction”





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