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From: Mary Moen <marymoen25@GMAIL.COM>
Date: March 14, 2016 at 8:17:08 AM EDT
Subject: Navigating Digital Lives Event 3/19
Reply-To: School Librarians of Rhode Island <SLRI-L@LISTSERV.RI.NET>

Media Smart Libraries and EdTechRI are hosting a free unconference on privacy, security, and digital citizenship called Navigating Our Digital Lives: In School and Beyond on Saturday, March 19th from 8:30 - 12 noon at Barrington High School.

Please help us spread the word and send along the Eventbrite registration link to parents and educators to invite them to join in a conversation with experts on these topics.  As more schools move towards 1:1 device programs, these issues are important to learn and talk about.  Participants will leave with knowledge and resources on how best to educate ourselves and our children to be good digital citizens.

Registration link:  Navigating Digital Lives March 19

Thank you and hope to see you there.  Librarians are important stakeholders in this area.


P.S. A poster advertising the event should be arriving to your library through OLIS delivery system. 

Mary Moen