Hello everyone. Last year, I asked folks to volunteer to be interviewed about having LGBT collections in their school libraries. A number of you volunteered—much thanks! I’ve written a paper based on those interviews, and it is now available here: http://www.yalsa.ala.org/jrlya/2016/03/they-kind-of-rely-on-the-library-school-librarians-serving-lgbt-students/ . I’m happy to answer any questions or receive your comments on it. Again, thanks for participating. Your willingness to participate in studies like this advances the scholarship on school libraries, which in turn helps you and your students.



-Shannon Oltmann





Dr. Shannon M. Oltmann

Assistant Professor

School of Information Science

College of Communication & Information

University of Kentucky


320 Lucille Little Library

Lexington KY 40506


859-257-4205 (fax)