Hello Sue

You may want to consider publishing to the web with Google Sites. You can set permissions to completely open (“the whole world”) or set it so that users must be logged into your Ledyard GAFE domain in order to view, but that would limit to current staff & students. You can also do this with Folders in Google Drive.

It does sound like a rich resource!


Rita Hennessey

Library Media Specialist

Betsy Ross Arts Magnet Middle School

150 Kimberly Avenue

New Haven, CT 06519


Google Voice: 203.584.7509






From: CASL-L [mailto:casl-l-bounces@mylist.net] On Behalf Of Sue Lantelme
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:29 AM
To: casl-l@mylist.net
Subject: [CASL-L] If you are a GAFE school


Have you considered requesting a designated space or 'folder' on your school's Google account for the library? Let me explain further. We have been scanning our school's newspaper (1979 till 2014, when we went digital) and a retired cross country coach has put together a very large (40MB) collection of the history of the sport including stats, and scanned photos.  I'd want to share these 2 collections & maybe more out to the public, especially alumni. Our IT manager says we could do that once we transition to a GAFE school.

It's incredible how much local history we physically have in the library & it'd be incredible to share!  I've thought through the copyright implications (although I haven't asked the question specifically) & would stay away from yearbooks until I complete further research. You're wondering how we're getting the scanning done? I have a student intern.

Suggestions? Experience?  Questions?

Thank you!

Sue Lantelme

MLS, Ledyard High School Librarian



860.464.9600 x6154

24 Gallup Hill Road

Ledyard, CT 06339


"What an astonishing thing a book is. It's a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles. But one glance at it and you're inside the mind of another person..." Carl Sagan