


9:00am – 12:00pm
Managing Change in Your Library

Ever-accelerating technological development and new demographics in both the work force and our user populations are driving continuous change in our libraries.

This workshop is for library leaders offering tips and tools to
•    Go beyond getting your message across to changing people’s behavior.
•    Assemble an effective team to implement change in your library
•    Develop implementation strategies to move from vision to service delivery
•    Incorporate changes in the culture of your library

Though discussion and case studies we will discuss how to bring thought leaders into your change strategies and help your library thrive in a climate of change.

Click here to register.


1:00pm – 4:00pm
Assessing & Managing Your Building

The appearance of your library heavily influences the way it is perceived in the community. While the staff and board members can often list the limitations of their library building; just as often familiarity can blind them to easily addressed problems regularly experienced by the users. If new construction is not in your near future that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make the most of what you have now. This workshop will provide practical information and tips on refreshing, redesigning, and remodeling your facility and space.

We’ll focus on:
•    How to regain the users’ perception from streetscape to wayfinding and contemporary safety concerns .
•    How to  step  back and re-examine and rethink your facility and space layout with an eye towards more effective, dynamic, customer-focused use.
•    How to determine whether an extreme makeover or gentle updating is needed.
•    How to assess of your building.
•    How to develop an effective maintenance programs and communicate with users when a big project is underway.

Click here to register.



Both workshops are free; registration is required.


Presented by Cheryl Bryan, author of ALA’s Managing Facilities for Results. Cheryl Bryan has been consulting and training in libraries for the past twenty years. Her practical experience working with many libraries as they implement major changes gives her a broad background for this workshop.



© 2015 CT State Library. All rights reserved.






Julie Styles | Professional Development Coordinator | Division of Library Development | 860-704-2206 | 786 South Main St. Middletown CT 06457
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