Hi Friends,

I wanted to share the amazing experience I had hosting author Eric Devine last week at my high school. He is the author of four (two more to be published soon) gritty realistic fiction novels that have wide general appeal; however, they also have special appeal for our reluctant male readers. He did a presentation on the first day and a writing workshop on the second day.   

Before he arrived, I did lots of PR and books were circulating, which was great. However, I wasn’t entirely prepared for the complete engagement and enthusiasm I witnessed during Mr. Devine’s presentations (to over 400 students) and writing workshops (to over 200 students).  Students were riveted as he discussed his journey to becoming a writer, effectively using technology (great Prezi), humor, candor and powerful storytelling.  He was an incredible role model for Hall students, and I truly believe that he planted powerful ideas in their minds about the power of stories, cultivating your passion, committing to hard work, and learning from your mistakes.  Here is what one teacher (who was this year’s West Hartford Teacher of the Year) wrote to me after he left:

“My students so enjoyed spending time with Eric Devine---they liked Thursday's presentation and Friday's writing workshop.  They spoke really highly of his presentation style, his openness about his own life and choices, his sense of humor, and many of them already liked his books."

"So, what does this cost?" you might be wondering. Brace yourself. It cost $110/day plus his hotel, gas and meals (total a little under $600). Yup. He is not allowed to receive payment for school visits, so I paid the $220 substitute fee directly to his school.

If you are interested, his contact information is on his site. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.



Monica Ahern
Library Media Specialist
William H. Hall High School
860-232-4561 x6330

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