I have tried to move our district to use this company - Thrift Books. They have a warehouse in South Windsor, so if you could get the books there, no shipping! They sort, sell, & return 50% of sale.
Here's the contact I've been emailing:
Jamie Hurst
Library Program Coordinator
Thrift Books Global
253-275-2241 x7704 Office
1-888-861-1065 Toll Free
253-322-6164 Fax
295 Ella Grasso Turnpike. #3, Windsor Locks, CT 06096
Seattle | Portland | Detroit | Atlanta | Dallas | Hartford | Phoenix | St. Louis
| Baltimore | Reno
Sue Lantelme
MLS, Ledyard High School Librarian
860.464.9600 x6154
24 Gallup Hill Road
Ledyard, CT 06339