Hello all! This was a wonderful experience this year! The kids loved these robots. They work with Chromebooks too!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aparna Brown <aparna@finchrobot.com>
Date: Fri, May 13, 2016 at 11:30 AM
Subject: Finch Robot loan program - 2016-2017 application open
To: Finch Loan Program <loanprogram@finchrobot.com>

Dear Loan Program Participants,

We wanted to let you know that the application for the Finch Robot
loan program for the 2016-2017 school year is now open. This year we
will be lending out 1000 Finch Robots!

We would really appreciate your help getting the word out to your
colleagues about the loan program.  Please post about the program on
mailing lists, or send emails to anyone you think may be interested.
If you are using social media you can tag @birdbraintech, #finchrobot,
or #finchloan.

The application is open until June 12th and folks can learn more about
the program and the application requirements here:

Thanks, and have a great weekend,

Jenny Lussier
Library Media Specialist
Brewster/Lyman Elementary Schools
Durham/Middlefield, CT
ALA/AASL member
Twitter: @jluss