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From: Jeanie Phillips <jeanie.phillips@TRSU.ORG>
Date: May 25, 2016 at 11:15:16 AM EDT
Subject: Educating for Responsible Digital Citizenship
Reply-To: Jeanie Phillips <jeanie.phillips@TRSU.ORG>

Greetings!  So nice to see so many of you at Dynamic Landscapes.  What a fabulous opportunity to learn, grow and share!

I facilitated a session on digital citizenship and have collected the group work.  You can find it by visiting:

Many of you were very positive about having a structured, facilitated conversation using School Reform Initiative protocols.  This is work I am very passionate about and it has been some of the most meaningful professional learning I have done.  While anyone can use SRI's protocols, they always work best when facilitated by a trained facilitator.  Further, collaborative practices is much more than protocols.  If you are interested in pursuing this further, I am co-teaching an introductory course this summer: Please feel free to contact me for more information.

Thanks again for sharing your thinking with me and with the group, I learned so much!

Jeanie Phillips
Green Mountain Union School
Chester, VT