Forwarded on behalf of Sandra Stein, Beinecke Library, Yale University - sandra.stein@YALE.EDU.
The Beinecke Library has extra bookshelf units and we would like to know if your library is interested in any of these units.
I am attaching a picture - here are the "details":
Shelving Units - 12 back to back units (some have 2 sets of shelves back to back, most have 3 sets of shelves back to back with side and top supports)
Dimensions for each individual unit - 42"wide; 15" deep and 90" tall
Please let me know by Wednesday, September 7th if your library is interested in any of these shelving units.
Sandra T. Stein
Associate Director, Finance & Administration
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Yale University
203-436-5779 (phone)