Hello Joy- I would share that the culture of our school is such that the library learning commons is the hang-out- the plus is that the students like being here, the downside is that teachers rarely bring classes due to the noise level.  I spend much of my time out in the classrooms now that we have so many chromebook carts- that means the print resources are not utilized as much, but we were already moving in that direction.  (I spend twice on digital resources as I do on print).
The freshmen are the only students assigned to study halls, and we allow 10 freshmen per study hall period (they pick up a pass before school).  Sophs- seniors have "frees", and they spend it here.  Not sure this will help!
p.s. we removed our security gate this summer- it was the only count system we had, so I may b=need to replace that part of it- I am no longer using a security gate.

On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 1:50 PM, Fitzgerald, Joy <Joy.Fitzgerald@vernonct.org> wrote:

     I am interested in finding several HIGH SCHOOL Libraries to visit in the next month or so, to observe how you manage students coming to the Library.   I would like to visit during a high traffic time (larger number, more sending locations, lunch) for your library and learn the pros and cons of different ways or systems.   My principal wants a new or different way to handle it.

     I know in 2014, someone shared results of  their survey /researching this and shared several schools who did passes in different ways.   But I do not know who each school was and you might have changed since then.

     Please let me know if you are a H.S. Librarian and describe your pass system for students to get to your library from Study Hall, Lunch, Classes, etc. during the school day.

     It would help to know your staffing, if you have additional staff to monitor?... if students are on the honor system to do it themselves? ... if teachers write passes?  If you have barcoding? or QR Coding to check in and out?

      Thanks. I am serious about starting to try to visit soon as my principal has made this a priority to change our schools system somehow.  Please contact me to let me know if you are willing to let me visit and share your experience.


          Joy Fitzgerald

Joy Fitzgerald
Librarian Media Specialist,  21st Century Skills Teacher
Rockville High School Library  /  70 Loveland Hill Road  /  Vernon, CT 06066

 "Libraries are no longer ‘grocery stores’ where students can go to pick up ingredients, but ‘kitchens,’ where they have the resources necessary to create a finished product." --Joyce Valenza

860-870-6050 ext. 336 or 340 (Library Desk) / Open: 7:15 a.m. To 3:00 p.m. / Hours are during school year

CASL-L mailing list

Barbara Lyons
Library Media Specialist
Wilton High School
(203) 762-0381 x6288
**  Please update my email in your contact list to lyonsb@wiltonps.org
The Wilton Public Schools will be transitioning email over the next several months.
Our current email system will be unavailable/undeliverable after July 1, 2016**.